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Show Awnrda 'd Highest Honors WVotU'aFalr. MOST PERPECT MADE. A pure Gr.it Cream of Tartar Powder. "Free from AmroonU, Alum or any ether BduFlwanU 40 YBARS TUB STANDARD. - r-s"" '- "aliiBBBPBHJ 1 , ti Jr MiMtjapppjtjijyjsjsjpjsiswMatwrsasaiitwwsjiiwsfwrfsjps j i fMONDAY, MARCH 25, We wili commence to sell. 30 paif of Shoess J20 flats ' Andi a great'dqalof other merchandise 2 whicli we bought at a forced sale f The goods will be sold at EHREMELY LOW PRICES! I Remember the place is dt Jas. Kirkham & Sons. S A. Lx E ' . 1 - - Why pay ) to 100 dollars fi.r n 'OwillH! Machine wlion Pcoph-s Ciot nsT. will sull you ns line a MachWi ,s Is made frnm ifito ) dollar.. n.i.-. nncliliiCH liavo nil tho Inlest nnd Km itlnehmunts. Cnmo and sec them. 1 llolo Hecks Hot Springs oud tike .1 :oaU bath and then to Dr Mumheuh itllfco nnd have your teeth cleaned, nud ,01? will bo 11 new person. Dr. Meriihcw. "Popow will ho foiwnidcd nnlihx-pltvlt nnlihx-pltvlt ordets is recleveil by tbo publish trfiir llielr discontinuance, and uuti. payment of nil tiMfHirairrs is raadi, -as required bylaw. A (uir liiut luciiTcnt.' A aomnnhat rnuini'l.able oaso recently camo beforo tlio Pott-OfuVo Deiartmeut to-latlngtouiutluisinu to-latlngtouiutluisinu Waldo County (Mo.) post-oflloo. Tho postmntter had a boat Klrl, nml tho latter trnntforred her affoo-tlons affoo-tlons to another party. Tho Rirl sent hsr now lover papers through tho ofiloa. The seller of stumps thought all was not right, and upon Investigation discovert that ' within tho paper was u lotUu- written to hit fortuuato rival Tho pottniatur report ed tho caso nnd tho girl was fined ten dollars. The Unu was subsequently 1 emitted. Subscribe l-'Olt TDK Banner "" YOU CAN'T fiVE WlTHOUTAHVER!Ac?0rKSYnA'nR,'HT, DOES YOUR BACK ACHE7 DOES YOUH SLEEP REST YOU? ARE YOU WEAK AND THIN? ARE YOU DULL AND DILI0U9? Try Or. J. H. IMWS LIVER am KIDNEY mm. All who use It say It Is The Peerless Remedy for curing all allmwts OF THE LIVER, KIDNEYS AHD BLADDER, FEMALE TROUBLES, RHEUMATISM AND BRIGHT' S DISEASE. The Dr. J. Hi McLean Medicine Co., st, Louis, Mo, Jacob Evans, Attorneu-at-Law , 1'iist National Bank 1'itHVng, PHOVO - UTAH UINTAH HOTEL, II. I. MIliRS, Prop, JSuroponn Plan. 1 Special Ratciby Week, 18 Comnvrcial St., Salt Lakj'Cltj; YOU MUST EAT, WIkh oi' i 'inn- to Salt t ake Atul t1" .can' st and best 1'I.kc in :'.i city is HATTON'S Chopand OvstccHousc. t- Wm Jf.itui South, S.tlt"Lukc. I f MKUBIllKW, oihw 1 yt S! "" V'-X bl'"'k en,t "' b. foutij hIiuobI 1 ny hour in tlte day . XIr ' -c s all kind of Dontial Work.' hi ili. l.T-tt .u.d lakt stylo. All work iru .t..utt,i il. A ht in no pay. J C Mi:iik'iikw v.: inibcrlaln- " i " ' Tslii Olntmont ' u n' ' , 1, 'IV. ir, i-'ili i;1 1 , nil., . . .Nippl.s.Umppitl I' 1(. n.ir ii Hunt, YiftA llllw, ii i l.i Him I Oi-.i nutated EyoI.Ma. ',- 'i .' ' : ' J icuU per box. to hoh-'jE owvn. , ) urn l .1 nor-- in fine health v eon Ji 1 11 vr 1,1 t. ul C'onmtlon I'owdera 1' ii ," 1 ,. 1' 1 'in, aid digoatiou, cun ., -.,!" l-,it- rvln vr (on-stipHtl"!!, c.irrel ii n 1 1 at I i" tmy orm,rfvint , !i 1 1 in mil i . 1 i-twrked lionw. So 1 j p.r pv-U , '. 1 "t Mila by druggiirtf. JLKT A1UUVBD. v.. in ii.l Line ol Sp trg If (, P'li.nifir, Feathan, Flow i', Hiiihont, Ijiceg. lit (. t tner thing 111 the MILLINERY MNB Alio l.'.dn.' nollit and can.-f . e make n npn-inli' f CMItttold and la'iCj j! 1.1 1 n.'l ; ' Latest Sljlw m -.: ' ?ris-'old ?ris-'old Stuck Beidw Cost! x Tisi m 1 1 , ,.,;. : MWMtm,T'ajaMJCTBJIWMIMWJMiJiMWM People's Co-operative Institution OAMUE3 THE ' 1 ,;& Largest, Best and Cheapest Assortment of Hats jj Outside ol Salt Lake City. I We have a complete stock ol , y. ' I clotliiiiR Uiat will be soU at w.t-g I down prices. g mmmmamom rnmmmmtom mmmmm Our Shirts are A i. Neckwear the finest and" -- ' " ' Cheapest in the Country. ' . 1. 'ru Lyijltirn fi" - ---- Ladies' Hats the finest in the land and fast S.'llcrs, . 53. -O T . "fAAA JPfil and slippers has 2,000 pre of Shoes 5 . n mil 11 for the money. "We have niade arrangements with the manufacturers of the Wheeler 8c Wilson sewing machines and sell them 20 per cent less than traveling agents. See our Ladies' Waists they arc Pine. Our Dress Goods are Hummers. Wc shall receive our second shipment of silk and wool mixture also those fine dress patterns in prints. You must see our line of parasols to appreciate them, they are fine. Ladies' Spring and Summer wraps will arrive in a few days. Groceries cheaper than ever. Com and price our goods whether you wish to buy or not. ffe carry the only line of Hardware in town. Huildinj,' Material of all kinds as cheap as the cheapest. a Main store, State Street. Branch store, Main Street. I W. E, RACKER, Superintend. I ifialder's Music Palace J , ,5 & 47 west first south street, Salt Lake City. I'or tlic world rourmnuil tl Mason Ss Min and Mil Organs B fc, 1 Prices the Lowest-'-Terms the Best I, Star Foundry fiiachino Co- I Forge and Q I Sheet Iron ', I Work ?- A Specialty.. I and Brass Oastin gs i J Mming and General Repair Wbrlt So- I icited. ' I 135 South third west st.. Salt Lake city ! Daynes & Goalter, If THE SALT LAKB LIUSIO UKALKHS, U J Solo Agcuti lot J SOLD OS EASY Pease, 1)T I WTAfj U W Payments BHgJg; YMi Ub I aimiol rutcraon. Jr., I'rcB. AVnltcr O. I.j in.njt, Vicc-l'rcat' M. I). Whitney, Sec nmlTrinM. - ' fc Utah Implement fi Dealers in ' M Farm Machinery, Carriages il and Mitchell wagons H IioB. 23f arjii 23if State St., Salt Lake City. H Wliitcly Mowcis, Molinc Plows anil Hay Hakes, Champion anil Wliitcly Repairs, Imperial plows anil Harrows, Milwaukee WM Hinders, Columbus Unties and Cnraiagci, Mitch- HS e Spring Wagons, Harness, Whips nnd B Robes, Hay Tools, ant) all kinds jB of Implement:. jB " "Write for our Prices. I m |