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Show PRETTY TOUQH YARN. 1 'H Told by au Anlnt unit Tmthfal Mtrlusv "Talking ot Iifo-prntcrvcrt," ald the tH truthful rtiarlnur, as ho knockod tho mbi bbbbbbbbbbxI out of In pipe, to a New York Dispatch J H man, "jou roinomber tho old stcamtr --H Houttabout that used to run from lloffUo TBaBBBBxaxaal to Chics go I I was male ou her thoyer.r b- H tore she waa lost. We wero about idt'j H miles out from Chicago when Mlka Lan H agan, who wa doing something upoa tbo H mast, fell, struck on bl bead on tha roof fit H tho cabin and bounced clean out Into (ho H lake. Well, tho captain ha ea hhn fall, H and ho stepped and backed tbat dd H Iloustaboutqulckor'n you could say 'scat' - Mlka went down llko a nlammov, forhovrtn ' ''taBxaxaxaxI knocked latQUtlblo, and I know'd there waa '--Sxbbbbbbbbb! no usa to heave a life-preserver for him, so H I Just hurried up tho boys lu getting tlio H boat down, although I didn't expoctlt'ud H do much good. Wo had Jim King on board, H I'sssengcr from Chicago. You remombor H Ilm King, don't youl" "4 H "Can't say that I do," remarked a by- H ttaudcr. "Well, Jim was tho champion quoit- throw or In them dtys. Uo's dead now, poor fellow, but Jim wa n boss on throw- lug quoit. I tell you quoits were a great H gamo them days. Hvory vIllagohrMl aquclt H club und the boys on tho farn s usod to ;H throw boas shoes. It was son etaiug 11x4 H baso-ball la these times, allboagh 1 sever H cquldscoasmuchfunlnbaso-baUbsIcmiM iJH see In a good gamqot quoits." '4 H "Oh, coma off," cried tho Impatient Kites' H er. "What did Jim do, or did ba do HS7 tH thlngl Did thoman drownl" . H "Now, don't bo too fly. Who' vaUla' U.U M yarnl" - -w "Well, you don't toem to bo." . I M "Ooonl Qo on I" said tho crowd."'-. 1 "Woll, you know, In quoits a 'ringer' wt H when you put tbo quoit around tha stake. H It counted double Well, Jim he pick tp H tha rouid lifo preserver it'sjiko a greui, H big quoit, you know and at tho Cap'n can-a H runulugaft, Jim ho sings out! 'Cap'n, I'M . H bet you flvo dollars I'll mako a rmgtr ca H tbtt man If bo comes up within tho length, H ot tbl " H "'Ilct you twenty dollar you can't,' 1 laid the Cup'n. H " 'Toko you,' tald Jim, and Juit at thst H mlnit up bob Mike' head about sixty fort H a-storn. Jim threw It, and I'll ba darnisl If H that life-preserver didn't go plump over on H Miko's head clear dwri oa his shoulders, H and tbero It stack. Wo got down a boat, H and when wo got to Mlka ha hadu t como to H yet, and didn't for some tlmo after. Ha'd beonagonerlf Ithud&'tbln fur that rltigor, H although it took the ski-i ffon bis uom." 'Did tho Captain piy that lon'ydolUrtl' "Pay HI Yoiljlst et ho en And Jim H he hnadel It over U ,!' . si ' Mlkn ho blew B it all la whon wa got e Uc'ixU I wit.li J somo of It was horo n vv, fur I'm lal.-oly hJ Irr. Tbuukt. Don't mlud if I da" 1 sBBxaxaxl |