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Show A LARGE HOU3LHOLDS. AtTntnfa of Lira In Families Mnda t'r 4 of Many Mmbrrs. Tlicro Is no cheerfulness In tho world com parabto to that afforded by tho dally life ol a largo family, saj s Harper's llazar. There may bo nn equal amount of happiness In n small family, thoro may bo n depth of bliss wlicro only two nro togothcr of which tho llfo lived by tenor n dozen could afford no Idea; but for tho cheer of varied Interests, ot lively voices, of going nnd coming, of song nnd laughter, of mov Ing figures, ot tho sonso of action and life, what can be desired botlor than a family whoro father nnd mother and grandmother, nunts nnd end dron, mnko tho round dotent In n smsll , family it Is dlfllcult to keep up the wide In torcst In pooplo nnd neighborhood which i dues a great deal to promoto rheorfulne; It Is dlfllcult to keep up sueh Interest In moro than a very few, from tho tnero want of llmo, from the dtfhVulty of potting about, nnd tho Imponvlb.'lty of botng In moro than ono nlnco at a time, tf from no other reason, Uul whore thoro aro a sum-bor sum-bor of pooplo under tho roof, that answers overy purpose, as each ono bringing In keen fooling for tho affairs of sovernl others, the whole togothcr maintain a wlda and deep connection from which choorfulnoss Is precipitated pre-cipitated llko a salt from its cempoaont cases. Hut, apart from tho chcor derived from tntorcourso and relationship with the out-sldo out-sldo multitude by means ot a largo family a vnrlcd acquaintance, comes that derived from other t.tes tn oonacquon.ro of our : fullclrclo Ihismpmbcrofths largo household house-hold Is tbo ono devoted to charlij , all tho rest do a great deal of vicarious charily, as wo mny call It, through that channel, and feci content with satisfied consciences In a sonso of duty done, which sonso, whether It contributes to virtue or not, docs, at any rate, to cheerfulness, and it Is cheerfulness of which wo nro speaking. Thia othor member mem-ber is tbo student of science, and out of tho chanco conversation, tho books, plates, experiments ex-periments and experiences of this individual, in-dividual, tho rcsthlvo n sufficient nmountof sclcntlflo honey for their own uses, and aro enriched with learning without tbo least oxorllon of their own, rocolvlng it, as It wore, through tho pores. These otuc-, ngain, do tho gay society business, a ul thosoof tbo remainder who nro quietly inclined in-clined go to all tbo routs and drlvos Riid sails in tho gay ouo's enjoymout, soo what tho belles wear and how tho beaut behave, and novcr havo to loava their tranquil corner cor-ner at nlL And this last ono, with scraps of singing aud scraps of piano-play In u, aud mornings of practicing and evening ot mirth, welds every thing togathor In a sot t of perpetual ringing of joy -bolls. In short, n n largo family tho wholo world oomos to overy moinherof It, nnd In a small fnv't only n narrow segment of it can cone. |