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Show REWARDS OF INVENTORS. ITorttmea ltinllrl ftm tlul IturbfMl Wlro nml (.ruin Hinder l'utvnts. Thoups nnd dwns of inventors nre ro-markabio, ro-markabio, ospoclully tho up, says W n. tumor In tho Ht. Louis Qlobo Democrat Wlillo acting ni a patent solicitor several instances camo to my notice. The barbed wlro patents, which hnvo nottod fortunos to their owners, hnvo nn Interesting history. Tin) first MteuU wore iasuod to n man nnmod Kelly, living down Kat. About two jcars later ft furmer at Do Kalb, III , conceived Iho Idea of keoplng Ma unru'y cnttlo iu tlio pasture by putting ahort bur us of wlro and then twisting It with a plain wlro. Tills Is known in the market as (Hidden wire, holng named after Its Inventor, In-ventor, Joseph II (Hidden. One day while ho was experimenting with It a nolpubor going by shouted: "Joo you "hotter bo oat harrerin, iu your oat Instead of fonlln' nwnyjour timo with putouti " (iliddon thought otherwise, and in less than two years received a bonua of ttifyxw, with the guarantoo of a rojulty on all made undo tils patents. Tor tlio year 11 his roj ul tics oxcocdod J17I.O0O. Tho Apploby grain bludcr, which, in bolng porhctcd, bankrupted bank-rupted tho owtiors, Apploby, Parker, Stone and Hlshop, by a loss ot HW.OOO, orcntuaUy enrao to tho surface with ifjO,tmo for each of tho owners, vhtlo its prosent owners hnvo realized over ll,OMH,UtU Iu tbhv record, rec-ord, bowover, tho faot should not be lost sight of that hundrods of luvontors In this nnd other lines havo wasted the best ye irs ot their lives, and a inauy capitalists havo witnessed tho lading ot their last dollar dol-lar In schemes that novor "panned " A ItriMoanbJa llmtj'ie Tbo Maharajah Dhulcep Singh sends n London paper a lottor, a J U ssed to the Quocn, in which, after onumoratiug many alleged wrongs, lie insists on the restoration restora-tion to him of tho Kohinoor. Ho saysi "It will bf usoless for me to domund the rostoratl-i ot my kingdom, swindled from xno by your Chrlstlau (Jovernmout, but which I hopo shortly, by tbo aid of Providence, Provi-dence, to ratako from my robbars But my diamond, tho Koh 1 noor, 1 understand is entirely at your own personal disposal. Therefore, holievlug that jour Majesty to bo 'tho most rollRloas lady' that your subjects sub-jects pray for every Sunday, I do not heal-tato heal-tato to ask that this gom bo resun e I to mo, or olso that n fair price bo paid for It to me out of your privy parsa1 Wedding Annlvrsarli. Tho wedding nnnlversar n hum in -d as follows! Ftrst year, cotton w. i i ,, i pud, papor, third, leath. r, li'i eodot sevooth, woolen; ter'n, t i rth, silk nndniiollnenillfteii'i m . iwontietn, ahtna; twenty-llfth, i iw t. ilsth, pearl i fwtleth, rubs uiui i asoi sereuty-aflh, sereuty-aflh, diamond. V ' |