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Show PRIZES ON PATENTS. ' t How lo got $loo andPorhnp M MnkoaFortunoi-r M Wo secure patents, nnd to Indueo M people to keep track of their bright M ideas wo offer n prize of ono'iinndred .gH dollars to ho paid on tho first of every H month to the jierson who submits to gH us tho most meritorious invention dur gH ing Hie preceediug month. 'We wll M also ndtertise thu Invontioii freo of eliargo in tlio XaUonal X'tcordtr, a IH weekly newspaper, published hi' 'ash- H iugton, D. 0., which has an extensive- M eiiciilation throughnut the United Slates M mid Is devoted lo thu interests of In- gH ventois H NOr SO IIAUII AS IT SKEHS. H Tho idea of being able to invent gH suuiething strikes most people as being M very dilllcnlt; this delusion tile Coin- gH pany wishes to illtpel, It istho'siinple M things and small inventions (hat make H the greatest amount of unnicj, and the complex ones are m Idoui profitable. H Almost everybudy, in Hiinieliiiio or an ., H oilier, conceives mi Idea, wViIcli, if M patei.led, iould probably be ,worth to H him n fortune. Unfortunately such M ideas nro usually dismissed without M thought The simple inventions like H tho car window which could tie easily H slid up and down without breaking M tlio passenger's back, tho Baiico pan, H tlio collar button, tlio nut lock, the M botllo Rtoppcr, tlio snow shovel, are M things Unit almost everyone sees eomo afl way of improving upon, nnd it is thuse H kind or inventions that bring tho great- H est returns to thu author. M The prize we offer will tw paid at H tlio end of each niontli, whether the H appliention bus been ncled upon by tho H Piitent Olllce or not. Kvery competitor H must npply for n patent on his invcu- H thin througli us, nnd whether h'o secures H tho prizeor not, tho Inventor will havo H n valn.iblo patent. M TIIKPHKSS CLAIMS COMPANY, H Ioiin Wkdiikiiiiuiin, Gen'l Manager, H 018 F St N. W. WasViingion, D.O. H P. S. Tlio rcsiionslbility of this com- H pany may bo judged from tho fact that ' H lis stock Is held by nbout 'seventeen H hundrul of tho leading netv'spapers of H Uio United States |