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Show A Visitor f N. J. Hcnniilt representing the firm o WoodNro., hnkliers.ol Chicago, pnM nvlalUo'our town on Pnlnitliiy Iiu. Ho look a trip to tl.o BUgir fnclory nml tho llrnilshnw llroa. c.iltlo jnr.ls to look t the 1mm t cattle ench lmu' Howiw very highly inclined with thofino Iicocb he saw attheao plnrea, nml exp'1'1 hlniaelf thai tho calllo ful on tho pulp un cquul to thoso ful on corn and wolghed lteller. Ho thought the factory had been in too much of n hurry to (toll Ha Iwcf, mid lln'iiglit iho people of Utuli did not think enough of tliciri utile, thai lH,th(y did not hold high enough opinion i-iidlng tho Utah product. Ho lullovod tho woatoru cnttlo far superior to Iho citstcm. He liked Utah and tho poop'" ' 1,ul, nml ,,ml tormod ngul ophilm of llio cllmntu and the country out horo in general. Ilo left for 8 lit l.'iko on the U. 1'. In tho evening |