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Show WANT ADS WANTED Two or three' furnished rooms with bath for .light housekeeping. housekeep-ing. Inquire at Press-Bulletin. It FOR RHNT Two furnished rooms for housekeeping. Inauire Prees-Bul-letln. MINING LOCATION NOTICE8 for salt at the Press-Bulletin office. tt FOR SAIL Good express business In iBingham, ten 'head of horses, double storied barn 40x40 feet, has 22 stalls. Will sell ' reasonable to right party. See G. W. Black, phone 829, Bingham. ' 2t FOR HiEJNT Three furnished rooms 22 Freeman. ":L FOR RENT Furnished room, 77 Carr Fork. ., WANTED-' A reliable girl for housekeeping work. Phone 320. f9 FOR SMJB Good line of slightly used furniture. For particulars call at f Press-Bulletin office. tf GMAMJBS LARSON, Violin instructor, instruct-or, will be in Bingham every Saturday. Leave orders or ask for information at Cley's Jewelry Co. tf BRIEFS ' ' . eqeas saaaa Business Proposition Over $400 worth of furniture fur-niture for $200. Four rooms fully equipped for light house-keeping. Building rents for $20 and equipped sub-rents for $37. It's a snap. Call at Press- csara I, E. WADDOUPS Attorney and Counselor Suite 610 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. U BINGHAM HOSPITAL Dr. F. E. Slraup .". Office hours- 9 A. M. to JO A. M., From I P. M. to 5 P. M. and 7 to 8 evenings PHONE No. 4 ildweea Season Sal I I With Winter soon a thing of the Pbsf, and Spring not quite herey we hold this H great In-Between-Seasons Sale to keep the boll a-rolling, B and at the same time clear our stocks tor Spring and i 0 Summer arrivals. Chief among our ottering are those of 0 Extraordinary Values in Coats, Suits, 0 j Furs and Dresses f' ."4-1 P ON WHICH PRICES HAVE BEEN SLASHED, REGARD- ' jg0 JfeTS-rif S3 rf LESS OF ORIGINAL WHOLESALE COSJS. lM I yltSS M g MANY OF THESE GARMENTS ARE OF MATERIAL Sii' WfcuP 5iY D J& LIGHT WEIGHT ENOUGH FOR THE COMING SEA- )P lymr Mfm N SON'S WEAR, WHILE OTHERS WITH SLIGHT ALTER- J j)T raf ISt : D! ' 0 ATIONS THAT YOU CAN READILY MAKE IN YOUR .1 fljCllS " V 'sjjjf OWN HOME, WILL GIVE YOU A SPRING COSTUME AT . YJW, ) ft F$S?MM f3 AN IMMENSE SAVING. JIISpW J rjl Vi NOTHING RESERVED. PRICES ON EVERYTHING kK J jj 7jff J 3 g CUT FOR QUICK CLEARANCE. LL . fcj IBingham Mere Co 1 'W The Big Store pfcz' W: C. E. ADDERLEY, Mgr. r When You Have a Cold. It Is when you have a severe cold that you appreciate the good qualities quali-ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Frank Crocker, Pana, 111., writes: ."Our five-year old son Paul caught a severe cold last winter that settled on his lungs and he had terrible coughing spells. We were greatly worried about htm as the medicine we gave him did not help him in the least. A neighbor neigh-bor spoke so highly of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that I got a bottle of It. The first dose benefitted him so much that I continued giving it to him until he was cured." I Cleaning and Pressing If you -want to look your best have your cleaning and pressing done at our establishment. We have the equipment and can render you the highest class service. Clothes left with us always insured against loss by fire. All work guaranteed. Modern Tailoring & Cleaning Co. Opposite Woodring Drug Store. Phone 179, . "Hie fallout Ainnf A Jewel Production Every woman in Bingham who has a husband, a son, a sweetheart, or a friend in the war should see this great patriotic, pa-triotic, 7-reel masterpiece. This picture is not of bloodshed, but a mighty appeal to the most universal emotions of the human breast, given in a modern romance full of thrilling action. ' Will Be Presented at the ParamoiiS-Priicess ParamoiiS-Priicess Friday, Feb. 15, All Day Continuously from2:30 to 1 1 :00 p.m. Mmission: udn - ioc I' But ,a special show will be given from 4 to 6 p. m. for j School Children at 5 cents. 1 I This picture will also be presented at the Phoenix Thea- I tre Thursday, February 14 th. 1 Ifowi.vtijMiioi f mumm mii i. I Candy Entertainment Amusement at The Chocolate' Shop . We have just the things to please you. Fine variety of . Candies, Hot and Cold Drinks, Dainty Light Lunches and : A unique Dancing Pavilion. We also have excellent music ;. and you will find the Chocolate Shop a most delightful place v -i to spend a few hours. , Follow the crowds to the Chocolate Shop. Our Motto is Courteous Treatment to Everyone. j The Chocolate Shop |