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Show THE CALL When the call came we willingly gave our sons to the great struggle. Now comes another call one that we, and we only, can answer. The Call to Save. AVe have v been asked that before, and we have responded re-sponded nobly. Now however, we are asked not only to save, but to save more, so that the black day on which we might be forced to go without may be put back on the terrible calendar of war. But more than that. We are asked to save so that our boys on the battlefields battle-fields may not be Just supported, but kept alive for the next six months, for upon them and upon us depends the outcome of the war. Our Duty is to buy or make only Victory bread. Victory Bread is from 5 to 20 per cent of other cereals, mixed with white flour. Graham or whole wheat is Victory Bread. To observe etrictly the wheatless days, the meatless days and the pork-less pork-less days. Wheatless Days 'Mondays and Wednesdays, Wed-nesdays, with one wheatless meal daily, preferably the evening meal, j Wheatless means no crackers, pastries, pas-tries, macaroni, breakfast foods or cereals containing flour. Exceptions Flour for thickening gravies or as a binder in coninieal or other cereal i breads. Wheatless days and meals mean use Victory Bread. Meatless Days Tuesdays, also one meatless meal dally. iMeatless means ' no hog products, no cattle products, no sheep products. Use fish, poultry and eggs., j Pork less means no bacon, no pork, i no ham, no lard, no pork products, either fresh or preserved. Porkless Days, Tuesdays and Saturdays Sat-urdays On other days use mutton or lamb In preference to beef or pork. . And it all means conservation, saving, sav-ing, self-denial, sacrifice, grim and j determined. Not for neighbors, but I for ourselves, for unless we translate at onoe our savings of wheat and beef and pork Into shells and ships and sol-Idlers sol-Idlers we cannot hope to win the war. I Wl W. ARMSTRONG, I Federal Food Administrator for Utah. |