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Show !r A SUGAR FACTORY OPERATED B i EXPERTS departments and other important employees, em-ployees, and only men trained fn other sugar 'factories were, given positions. In speaking of his company's success suc-cess and the recent agreement to pay the farmers $9 a ton for beets, N. G. etrtngham, secretary, says: "It has been highly gratifyng to have completed complet-ed this first season's operations. The officers feel that much of the success has been due to the splendid co-operation of the farmers of Sanpete county. Already over 5000 acres have been signed up for 1918 and it is certain that this figure will be materially Increased before planting time "Our company has readily agreed 'with the other sugar companies of the state, to pay the new price, 9 a ton for beets with the additional arrangements arrange-ments proposed at the Logan roundup. We believe this, will have a stimulating stimulat-ing effect on sugar production and that It will result In the largest acreage acre-age of sugar beets ever planted In Utah. As sugar is recognized as one of the most necessary articles of food, we are particularly anxious to do our part by backing up the Federal Food Administration in Its efforts' to have more food produced." 1 j J The People's Sugar Factory at Moroni ! Is' Operated With Electrical f i! Power. A an evidence of the high efficiency effic-iency attained during the first sea-' sea-' son's run in their new factory at Moro-In Moro-In Sanpete County, Utah, officials of I 'the People's Sugar Company state' 'that ail average of 210 pounds of sugar waa extracted from each ton of beets. "This sblendld showing is acknowledge ' ed by-experienced sugar manufacture rs to be exceptional for the 1917 sea-f sea-f r son, and is accounted for by two out- 4 standing facta. 1 First, the Moroni factory, which is ! ' the only western plant to. be operated ( throughout by electricity, is fully equipped with the mose medern auto- j - matlc machinery. In designing the fac- ; tory, months were- spent in studying I . the advantages and disadvantages of : many other plants throughout the country and the result is conceded to be the "last word" in sugar mill con- -atruction. The second big factor which accounts ac-counts for the Initial success of this company hi that the men operating the factory were experts in their work, .having had years of experience in the sugar-making business. Great care wa taken In selecting the head of |