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Show THE PRESS-BULLETI- ' - , ' , - ' i PROPERLY 1 j ' 'PLACED 1 PUBLICITY fl PERPETUATES f PERENNIAL PROFITS. Intermountain Uewm Bureau 422 Boston Building. f THE FINANCIER FRANK CHESTER KINGSLANC (U. Tah) i Managing Editor. jj Published Every Wednesday. Subscription $3.00 r. Obey That Impulse and Buy I f1 Copy Now. 1 p a ready market ffii who ships his livestock to Ogden, ksf pY being dissatisfied. YfiI Iff Here is a ready market, ideally ' ;.if 1m located to serve the entire inter- - J$qpjJ f . mountain west. Highest prices are ' til ' paid for hogs, sheep and cattle. k i Save shrinkage by shipping all . Cjp 'J4 your livestock to Ogden the home W' it j . iA of Mountain brand Products. y. Ogden Packing & Provision Co. " - 1 DR.P S. HAGEMAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bingham Canyon, Utah.' m Office: Above Woodring's Drug! Store. i Residence: Eckman Aparmtents.I Telephone 35. S Off.rf honr: 7-- I irtratrirsairRHFSgSRg j Bingham Store I Company j ; 0 J E General Merchants I OPERATING ! --'HnMand Store 1 1 1 Boston Store I j use more corn use more fish o. beans use just enough J use syrups g and serve the cause offreedom U.S. FOOD ADMINISTRATION s CANDY! CANDY! CANDY! When buying Candy you not only want to know that it is fresh, but you want to know that it is pure and made in the best way from the best materials. We are in a position to assure our customers th3t the Candy bought at our store is always of the highest quality in every respect. It is manufactured at our own factory every day by an expert. Ask your friends where they get the best candy and they will tell you from B The Royal j . Candy Company DULL. SPLITTING. ! Dr. James' Headache Powders re-- J , lieve at once 10 cents a package. i You take a Dr. James' Ueadaclm ' Powder and in just a 4cw moinenU ' your head clears and all neuralgia and j ! iiHtresa vsnmhes. It's the quickest ' and surest relief for headache, whtlier dull, throbbing, splitting or nerve- - ' rucking. Send Bomeone to the drug ' ' j store and get a dime package"' now. Quit sufforirig it so needle. Be ure you g.-- t Dr. Jame Headache Powders then there will be no disap-pointment. ' . j, $2$Fu- As Age Advances the Liver Requires wBf"V i'rZZToX occasion! slight stimulation. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER TILLS correct constipation. . Celerfta cr Palt Facts TSttSStttfiSStSiSfc Carter' Iran Mb BMW WHITE LEGHORNS FOR SHOW Main Points Are That Fowls Should . Be Snow White, Free From Color Foreign to Variety. In exhibiting Leghorns the main points are that the birds should be white that Is to say, snow white, with due amount of luster and free from brasslness, crenmlness, "greenness" (a term usually referred to the Immature condition of the feather commonly found In young stock), gray specks and color foreign to the variety. The comb In single-com- b varieties should have five points. The pullet should weigh three and one-ha- lf pounds, the hen four pounds, the cockerel four and one-ha- lf pounds and the cock bird five and one- - White Leghorn Cockerel. half pounds. The ear lobes are re-quired to be white, and should more than one-thir- d of the surface be cov-ered with red In cockerels and pullets, same would be disqualified, but this is allowable In hens and cock birds. Feathers other than white In any part of plumage and shunks other than yel-low would also disqualify the White Leghorn. Other general disqualifica-tions are as follows: The presence of stubs, feathers or down on the shanks or between the toes, side springs, squir-rel tall, etc. Tiie Kaiser PctlheBCTi (By Wright M. Cooney.) The Kaiser me the Devil in an agitated way, and the Devil stopped his prodding just to hear what Bill would say. Bill approached him quite contritely, for he wanted something done ; he would make his last endeavor to enlist him with the Hun. So he said, "My dear good Satan, I'm in trouble, I'm afraid ; if we do not work together, sure as hell my grave is made. I have worried and I've wondered, and the Huns stand in dismay, when they hear the preparation over in the U, S. A. . , . "I had thought that GOTT was with me, but of late He's hard as bone, so I've come for your assistance and we'll oust Him from His throne. Now dear Satan, won't you help me? We're a team that would work well, and when the awful war is over we'll own Heaven, Earth and Hell. "I surely am disgusted with the Gott up in the skies, instead of helping me, He's helping the Allies. Just say the word and I'll abide; you come along, but I'll decide; and tonight at just eleven, I'll call out a string of Zeppelins and we'll make a raid on Heaven." All this while old Satan wondered, scratched his head and then he pondered. When he found his equilibrium, after Bill had gotten through, he addressed Bill Hohenzollem in these words, severe but' true: "You're a dirty, lowbrow ingrate; you're the worst I ever knew; you are dippy, talking flighty, and to win your greatest blunder you would wreck GOD ALMIGHTY . "You for years have had a notion that you had a regular call, and some day you'd rule in Heaven, but, oh, Bill, you'll get a fall. And this fall is not far distant ; it is coming sure as hell, for the Allies have your measure and they'll fix you good and well. "You have stopped to the lowest level ; you have broken every rule; all the world is now against you, you're a great big jackass fool. "I don't like your talk or methods ; I'm the Devil, that is true, but you've wrecked and butchered millions, and I have no use for you. "Look at Belgium, poor bleeding Belgium ; look at France, and England, too; all because you had a notion that the world you could subdue. "For punishing, I've a reputation, but I've watched you all the while; and for downright, ornery meanness you have the Devil skinned a mile. , .'.'All the fire and the brimstone, all the groans and shrieks of 'hell, you have equalled and surpassed them, and you know it mighty well. "Now, Kaiser Wilhelm, listen; you'll not finish what you've started ; the Hohenzollem family and throne will soon have parted. "You heard from President Wilson, he told you what he'd do, but you thought he was only bluffing, now you know he's coming through. Over there they're training soldiers, and oh, my God, how they can fight! They'll get your dirty carcass because they're fighting for the right. "When the bugle call is sounded, you will have no time to pray, for they're coming on in millions and they hail from U. S. A." MANY FAVOR IN- - i 1HIR TElli Tulsa, Oklahoma, Feb. 2. Petition asking for the internment of Theodor S Roosevelt, former president of th United States, during the period t the war, placed In several prominen downtown drug stores and other plat 1 , es, caused e sensation here today. I Kansas City. Mo., Feb. 8. "We ar' ! going to start the ball rolling tomoi j . row morning," said B. V. Godley, well t known lumberman tonight, in epetX . ing of his campaign to get signature! J to ask President Wilson to Intern ei i President Roosevelt for the period o ) the war. ? i ., "I was surprised at the ready ti J sponse," he continued. "I hSPflo idea- - there were so many people who favor 1 ed such a move. I have never been ii f politics, so am not going to go at it ir . a political way." s ( , GET YOUR PHOTOS IN BINGHAM i ' There Is a splendid photograph g ; ' lery in Bingham under the manan i ment of J. E. Carlson at 467 Main St. ' . Mr. Carlson is successor tOjMr. C ; brlelson. Day or night plctufJis THE BUTTE CAFE, now under n I . management, offers you excellentser' :f vice Newly painted and pai"'i; Among new specialties will put UF.'i lunches for miners. Courteous treat ment to all patrons. ; COMFORTABLE FOWL IS BEST Poultry to Do Well Should Not Be Ex-posed to- - Severe Weather In Fall and Winter. That farm flocks are often too much exposed to the weather, and, that the farmer would realize more from hi poultry If he did not allow them out-doors during the fall and winter, are, without doubt, established facts, says A. C. Smith of the Minnesota experi-ment station. The idea often advanced that poultry can withstand any amount or degree of cold weather provided It is dry, Is not borne out by experience. Poultry should not be exposed to ir wind or rain In the autumn. House the birds comfortably If you Wish eggs. Keep them In the house after the ground freezes. Let them out only during the middle of the day as a rule In the fall after the frost comes. . If you cannot take the trouble to get them in early in the afternoon, keep them in. CONSERVATION AS THE DOCTOR ' SEES IT The Conservation of Meat ikvUrgd For Reasons of Health, H Lets ' 4 . Than for Patriotism. J , - ; The time is passed when intelligent people give the baby a piece of fit bacon to suck, and feed themselves on ? food soaked in grease; they would be horrified by a suggestion so frought with the idea of the slums and the ' mountain fastnesses of Kentucky. But ; In metroplitan restaurants and diuing' rooms they still Include in a single . meal bucIj foods as oyHters, fish, game,' roast, and cheese. "One-hal- f the pco- - ; -- pie In Christendom," according to I)r. Henry Smith Williams, the distin-- : gulshed scientist and physician who contributes the "Science" section of Hearst's Magazine for February, "shorten their lives by over-eatin- g or by perverse eating." And most of this perversity In the American diet take the form of an over supply of animal protein. Just how dangerous this kind ' of gormandizing can be la shown br j the fact that 3.r,0.000 deaths in the United States each year can be traced , to this cause an Increase of forty per cent, in the faults and the remedif of the American dietary is especially valuable at Oils time of the urging of conservation for the sake of r'on.-- ,X welfare. The apKal of the Food Ad-- ', ministration is reinforced by the Judg-- merit of a medical expert, whose ev)-- : di'nre and conclusions no one can af-ford to ignore. HANDLE PULLETS WITH CARE Make All Changes Gradually and Keep Roosting Quarters Dry and Well Ventilated. Pullets beginning to lay should be handled with exceptional care. Do not think because they have started to lay that you should confine them In their winter quarters. Make no changes on them till the weather will permit ; then take plenty of time In varying the ration. Make all changes gradually. Keep the roosting quarters dry, well ventilated, but boarded up tight on the north, east and west sides. They should then lmo a comfortable house, and when handled by a careful person who understands the mature of the hen they should produce abun-dantly. Class Making an Old Art. Fragments of wine vases as old as the Exodus have been discovered In Egypt. The art of glass nicking was : J probably known to the ancient Assy. rlans. h the New Testament glass Is ' alluded to us an emblem of Brightness. 1 ; I I t - ICE GIVES ENGINEERS GOOD TRAINING ... " ? ' Abiindi'iit lee on the I'otoiinic rler has given engineer troops In training near V:- -I ':il",oii an excellent opportunity for overcoming obstacles. This oicture !i .s "poutoulers" hri itking the ice preparatory to building a bridge. Merely Water. ' f Switzerland utilizes a greuter pifV portion of her available wter Pow-'- l than any other notion, having har-- ( nessed about. 700,000 of tbe 1,200,000 horse power provided by her streams, j I FRESH EGGS DURING WINTER Demand Far Exceeds Supply and Prices Rule Exceedingly High-G- ive Hens Surrfrner Feed. The demand for strictly fresh eggs during the late fail and winter months far exceeds the supply, prices rule very high during that period and the breed of hens and the system of man-aging them that will produce a good egg yield at this time of tbe year Is being much sought after. This can be accomplished by starting In the full with a good laying struln of fowls and manuglng them In a systematic way, giving them summer conditions in feeding throughout the winter. RIDDING SOILS OF GAPEWORM Effective Measure Is to Plow During WinterFreezing Weather Kills Insects. Winter plowing Is an effective meth-od of ridding soils of the gapeworm. This worm causes the "gapes" In little chicks, ntul can only result from contaminated soil. Win-ter plowing throws the worms to, or nesi the surface, where freezing wea.lnr quickly ends their existence. |