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Show STATE DEO CROSS WORK IS PRAISED ' ' J I take pleasaure in forwarding you the following copy of communication received by me yesterday from Mr. II. P. Davison. i In congratulating you on all your efforts for the 'Red Cross and in extending ex-tending my personal wishes for a Happy New Year, may I request that the following message be considered as sent to you personally and officially official-ly and through you to all the chapters and members of the (Red Cross in your territory. Please also give this message mes-sage to the press and such other publicity pub-licity as you may consider worth while: "The latest reports available indicate that the Xmas drive for ten million new members for the American Ameri-can (Red Cross has resulted in the addition ad-dition of fully sixteen million names to its roll. This number added to the more than six million members before Christmas campaign makes the total present enrollment fully twenty-two million. This is a magnificent fact; an expression not alone of patriotism, but of the fine sympathy and idealism of the whole American people. The Red Cross War Council congratulates and welcomes every new member of the American Red Cross; likewise it! congratulates the officers and old mombers of the organization who have given unstintedly of their time and effort ef-fort to make this membership campaign cam-paign a success; but the wonderful achievement of enrolling one-fifth of the entire population of the United States as members of the American Red Cross is less a triumph than it is a call to greater service. The Red Cross is not merely a humanitarian organization, or-ganization, separate and distinct from others, but it is the mobilized heart and spirit of the whole American people. peo-ple. The American Red Cross is car rylng a message of love and sympathy to the American soldiers Rnd sailors and to the troops and civilian popula- tion of our allies in all parts of the world: it is seeking to alleviate the Buffering Incident to the war; it is seeking to shorten the war, and it is seeking to lay a foundation for a more enduring peace when the war is over. As we stand on the threshold of a new year in this hour of world tragedy, there can be but one thought in the minds of the tweny-two million members mem-bers of the American Red Cross, and that is to serve and sacrifice as never before. (Signed) Henry TJ. Cavlson, Chairman American Red Cross War Council. |