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Show ' Mrs. A.- S. Wlnthers, who has been, visiting in Idaho, returned home last week. Mrs. T. B. Tennant and daughter, iMIbs Margaret Tennant, who epeni the past month at Coalville, have returned return-ed home and are now living at Highland High-land Boy. . i Mrs. Andrew iMayer visited friends in Salt Lake during the past week. B. W. Jones, district foreman of the Utah Power & (Light Company, and Mrs. Jones spent the week-end in Salt Lake visiting the latter's brother, J. R. Peterson. , ' Mrs, Andrew Anderson visited In Salt 'Lake during the past week. The Popgun seems to find It exceedingly exceed-ingly difficult to get the facts relative to the dance to be given Feb. 19th by j the Utah Copper employees. Two! weeks ago it said the office force of the Utah Copper was to give the dance and last week it chronicled that the money to be derived from the dance was to be used for the benefit of the employees. It was all wrong. The dance is to be given by all the employees em-ployees of the Copper and the profits will be divided between the Red Cross units of ingham. Copperfield, Highland High-land Boy and a portion to the tobacco fund for soldiers. Julius Damenstein, manager of Cley's Jewelry store, last Saturday night presented to Deputy Sheriff J. W. Edmunds a beautiful pearl-handled knife as a token of Ms friendship. Next Tuesday night the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen entertain with a grand ball at Canyon iHall. Elaborate Elabor-ate preparations have been made and this ball will be well worth seeing. The original Tango Banjo Orchestra will furnish music for the occasion. Mrs. M. J. McKenzle entertained the Lady Maccabees at a card party at her home at Boston Con. No. 1 Tuesday Tues-day afternoon. The afternoon was spent in playing whist A delicious luncheon was served. Those present from Lower and Upper Bingham were Mesdames (Wells, Nichols. Zwally, Jimpson, Countryman, Hyland, Butler, Dean, Undeloff, Ford, Fisher, Tin-combe, Tin-combe, Nelson, Miller, Dudley. Brim-hall, Brim-hall, Kelly, Metcalf, Christopherson, Those from 'Highland Boy were Gannon, Gan-non, Simpson, Gronning, Buttle, Beale, L. Dobbs, O. Dobbs, Makinen, Waugh. Teftmsh, Thies, Jones, BrimhalL Barton, Bar-ton, Tregaskls, Ball, Borg, Eden, Sid-doway, Sid-doway, Hlndley, Bee. Potts, Uljeroth, W. H. Cole, Will Cole, George Christopherson, Chris-topherson, Scarlot, Misses Mary Steph-an, Steph-an, iMarie Turner. Mrs. Gannon won first prize; Mrs. Barton, second prize; and Mrs. Cole, third prize. A good scrape or drag used on Main street for a few hours would be a wonderful help Just now. As it is the street Is well night impassable. Especially Es-pecially automobiles find it difficult to plough through the snow. Also the snow banked on either side makes it very difficult for two vehicles to pass each other. Mrs. McKenzie entertained at a turkey tur-key dinner Tuesday, Mrs. Gannon, Mrs. Christopherson, Mrs. Jimpson, Mrs. Dobbs. BINGHAM BRIEFS Philip Speckart' representative of the Iron County Coal company, was in Bingham Saturday in the interest of the company, Charles Larson, of Salt Lake, a violin vio-lin instructor, was In town last Saturday Satur-day and has arranged to be here every Saturday for the purpose of giving violin vio-lin lessons. James Breen, mine owner In Mon-tna, Mon-tna, and friend of Air. Geromell and Mr. Schweitzer, was a visitor in the camp this week. George iHronsolas, 24 years, Greek laborer, was seriously injured Monday morning on T level while working too close to a bank when It caved. His head and body were badly lacerated. 1 He ' was taken to St IMark's hospital for treatment Another civil service examination is scheduled, to be held at the post office here tomorrow, but whether there will be any one on hand to take the examination exam-ination or not is a question. Douglas White, chief industrial agent of the ILos Angeles & Salt ILake railway, was in the camp during the past week taking pictures for his company. com-pany. ."There will be a masquerade ball given giv-en by the S. P. S. F. at Smith's hall on. Valentine night Guy Solognese, of Salt Lake, spent Wednesday In Bingham. . - The local basketball quint suffered 'defeat last Friday night at the, hands of the Granite five on the local floor. . Jlmmie Colli na. of Salt Lake, state chairman of -the- war eavings committee, commit-tee, will be in Bingham tonight to meet with the local committee. The Meeting Meet-ing will be held in the Commercial Club rooms. Fame Musah, an Albanian, employed at the Utah Copper, was arrested Tuesday Tues-day by Deputy Jones, charged with being be-ing a slacker. The trouble was with his questionalre. (He said he registered regis-tered at Minneapolis, that he could not write, and that he did all he knew to get his papers fixed. k a-ae-a-Ma-ai The engineering department of the Utah Copper company received a communication com-munication this week from V. IA. Steel-berg, Steel-berg, who left that company about a month ago to take a position with the Remington .Arms U.. M. C. company, Bridge port, Conn. . He states that the Remington people now employ 15,000, ?00 less than ' was employed some C. JS. Addcrley, manager of Bingham Mercantile company, and 'Mrs. Adder-ley Adder-ley and their daughter. Miss Daisy Ad-derfey, Ad-derfey, the efficient register clerk at the post office, left Saturday for Los Angeles, California, where they will spend a month in the semi-tropics; . iMrs. Harry Nobles, who underwent an operation some two weeks ago for appendicitis at a Salt Lake hospital, and who has since been critically ill, is now Improving and unless other complications com-plications set in will be able to return home within the next ten days. Miss Jennie Branch left the Utter part of last week for California where ,she will spend some time visiting friends. , , ... " , . ' His friends here will be glad to learn that Harry iF. Barlow, .employee of the Utah Copper company, who was se- I verely Injured In a head-on collision about a month ago, is now getting along nicely at the St.' Mark's hospital, hos-pital, where he was taken shortly aftr the accident, and he will soon be able to return home. months ago. H stated that sugar could not be had for neither love nor money. He said that the weather was cold" aid that coal was scarce. The high oost of living -about the same as here., iMr. Steelberg was very popular popu-lar with the- boys at the Copper and they ' were glad to hear that he was well located. . ' . Postmaster C. L. Countryman spent last Friday in Salt Lake on business. Mrs. James Garnett visited in Salt l ake this week. Mrs. J. S. Ryan, of DuBois. Pennsylvania, Pennsyl-vania, is visiting her son, Dr. H. J. Ryan. Ry-an. . ; Dr. J. K. W. racken! of Salt Lake City, was a visitor In town Saturday. Attorney R. R. Hackett Is 'making his home In Bingham for the next two months, while his wife and children are enjoying the balmy climate at Long Beach, California. R. R. Bee Is able to be around after a severe attack of st-kness which confined con-fined him to his home in Provo for several days. Superintendent MoClennahan. of the electrolyptlc tanks of the Chile Copper company of Chlcqulnata, Chile, South America, arrived in Ringham last week to visit the Utah Copper company. com-pany. m. E. Willis returned Tuesday afternoon after-noon from Salt Lake, where he spent the past three weeks attending the convention of the managers of the stores of the J. C. Penney company. Over 200 delegates from the various sections of the country attended this convention, and Mr. Willis reixirts it as a very pleasant and profitable meeting. meet-ing. 'AfUr three weeks of banqueting on the best that the culinary art. of Salt 1-nke could provide, Mr. Willis pIiowh a noticeable improvement. J. T. Dean, Hingham's tonsorlal artist, ar-tist, had thn distinction last Sunday to shoot ami kill a cotton-tail after Denny had sh"t at the same ami missed. Se Mr. Dean was able to feast on rabbit during the meatless period this week. |