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Show HEWS FROM PAR AGON AH I Mrs. Hilma Lamoreaux Mr. and Mrs. H. Revere Robinson Robin-son enjoyed having family members mem-bers with them for Mother's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Cluff Jolley of Cedar City were here, Mi. and Mrs. Dee White and youngsters came from Summit and Mrs. Clair D. Robinson and family were here from Parowan. Mr. and Mrs. D. Amasa Sun s enjoyed having their family members with them Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Mitchell and family and the Mario Stones family fa-mily came from Cedar City and Alan and Kathleen Stones and two little boys came from Paro-wan. Paro-wan. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thornton spent Sunday with relatives in Cedar City accompanied by their grandson, Michael Thornton, who has been here with them for a few days. The Thorntons visited with their son-in-law and daughter, daugh-ter, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Clark and children and with Earl's mother, Mrs. Edna Thornton. Mrs. Gertrude Barton of Cedar City spent Sunday here with her son, Ted, and his family. Miss Kathy Gibson of Cedar City arrived here Saturday for a week end visit with the Wilson Lund family. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murl Gibson, visited here Sunday and took her home again. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Maxw!l and daughter, Patsy, of Cedar City and the Heber Lunj family of Parowan were Sunday visitors at the Wilson Lund home. Mrs. Bertha S. Topham has had a number of visitors of late. Her brother Ervin Stevens and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs. Orvin Hullinger, all' of Salt Lake City were here on different occasions for overnight over-night visits at the Topham home. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Ma-nuel Ryver of Ventura, Calif., visited overnight with Mrs. Topham. Top-ham. They were enroute to Montana. Mon-tana. On Tuesday of last week Mrs. Topham's son, Doyle, and his wife ind their three younger children of Redding, Calif., arrived ar-rived for an overnight stay. They had been visiting with relatives in Delta and their daughter, Peggy, Peg-gy, who has been living in Para-gonah, Para-gonah, Joined them in Delta for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Limb and their family of four visited here Sunday with the James H. Ander-sons. Ander-sons. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bradshaw of Beaver were in town Saturday for a pre-mother's day visit with Marilyn's parents, Mr. and Mis. J. Leonard Topham. Eugene Boardman took time off from his studies at BYU to spend the week end here with his people, the Bill Boardman family. On Sunday they all traveled tra-veled to Garrison to see the Charles Boardman family. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Robb and tneir son. Aluen, 5u ""S " all of Santa Barbara, Calif., have been visiting here and In Parowan Paro-wan for the past few days. They have spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Robb. Relatives here have received word of the birth of a baby girl to Randy and Eloise Morgan of Las Vegas, Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Robinson have received word of the bUili of a new great-grandchild. Aj boy was born on Mother's Day to Antone and Connie Robinson of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Bertha S. Topham has received re-ceived news of the arrival of a new grandchild. A boy was born on Sunday to Ray and Marie Berrie of Kearns, Utah. Mr and Mrs. Clark Robb had family members visit with them Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Dal-ton Dal-ton and children were here from Cedar City and the Bud Orton family fa-mily came from Parowan. Mrs. Alda Robinson was home for a day last week but returned to Cedar City for the week end with the David Skougaard family. fami-ly. She Is still convalescing from recent Burgery but is home now having arrived there Monday morning. Max Robinson was home from Las Vegas to spend the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Robinson. Clnton Robinson was here from Richfield to spend the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Robinson. The Hugh Robinson Ro-binson family came from Cedar City Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Errol Lamoreaux Joined the group at the family home. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Talbot of Beaver and Mr. and Mrs. Lamarr Rosenberg of Cedar City were here to spend Mother's Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Renford Talbot. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robb returned re-turned to their home In Salt Lake City Saturday following a visit here with the Ivan Robb family. Their grandson, Val Robb took them to the city. Miss Penney Robb, a prospective prospec-tive bride, was guest of honor at a personal shower Thursday of last week. A group of relatives and friends gathered at the Ivan Robb home for the occasion. Mrs. Jackie Benson and Mrs. Tess Mason Ma-son were hostesses for the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Edwards and children of Cedar City were Sunday visitors here with Ralph's mother, Mrs. Olive Edwards and his brother, Billy, j A number of Paragonah people (traveled to Summit Sunday to attend the Farewell Testimonial for Elder Darryl Davenport. Included In-cluded In the group were Mr. and Mrs. William T. Davenport, grandparents of the missionary; Bishop Boyd Robinson and his wife and family; Mr. and Mrs. Clark Lamoreaux and family, the work missionaries, Paul Brown and Gary Harrison and Mrs. Erma Lamoreaux. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lamoreaux enjoyed having their entire family fami-ly visit them on Sunday. Mr. and .Mrs. Robin Lamoreaux had ' came from Provo to 'spend the1 week end here and in Parowan.! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Benson and daughters came from Beaver, Mr. i and Mrs. Duane Lamoreaux and , son, Adam, and the Ronald Mor-tensen Mor-tensen family all came from Parowan. Pa-rowan. Mrs. Ruby Bauer and small daughter of Cedar City spent Monday here with the Calvin Ro- j binsons. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Miller of Panguitch were Wednesday visit-ors visit-ors here with Mr. and Mrs. Don Barton. Mr. Miller and Mrs. Bar- j ton are brother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Barton traveled to Panguitch Sunday for a visit w'th Edith's mother, Mrs. 1 John Miller i Mrs. Iras Jones and her rr other, oth-er, Mrs. Eva Bell, have had a number of visitors during the past week. Mrs. Jolene Smith and children of Murray were here Thursday.' Saturday R, D. Bell and three of his family arrived ar-rived from Henderson for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bess and family of Cedar City were Sunday visitors at the Jones home. The DUP will hold Its closing meeting of the season Thursday, May 21, in connection with a social. The affair Is to be held at the home of Mrs. Idella Robinson Robin-son and will commence at 2 p. m. Mrs. Anna R. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. William Williamson and sons, James and George, traveled to Salt Lake City Mon day to attend the reception fori newlyweds,- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keedy Sparks. The reception was held In the Monunrw at Park Ward on Monday eveni ig- The bride Is the former Hazel Sant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sant of Preston, Ida., and a granddaughter of Mrs. Anna Williamson. Mrs. Ula Stones and her children chil-dren traveled to Salt Lake City Friday to spend the week end with Raymond and Linda Lowe. Legrande Robb came to Paragonah Para-gonah Monday to spend several weeks with his father. Will Robb, and the Douglas Davenport family. fa-mily. Legrande is making a fine recovery from last autumn's serious ser-ious car accident injuries. |