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Show KANARRAVILLE NEWS NOTES Mrs. Carina Williams Mother's Day was observed here Sunday with every mother ; in the ward receiving a petted plant. Ivan Haskell and son Craig of Parowan spent a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Batty and family. I Allen Davis left Sunday for two week's training with the Army Reserve in California. Mr. and Mrs. Don Robinson and daughters of Las Vegas were here Thursday to bring their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Robinson, Ro-binson, home after an extensive visit in Las Vegas and California. Califor-nia. On their return home they were accompanied by Mrs. Robinson's Ro-binson's mother and sister, Ber-nice Ber-nice ana Vlckl Williams. I Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Christen-sen, Christen-sen, Jack and Rosella Christen-sen Christen-sen and Estella Williams spent a few days in Norwalk, Calif., with Dr. and Mrs. Wilford Berry. Estella Estel-la visited with her mother while there. Mrs. Norma Houser and sons of Phoenix, Ariz., spent the weekend week-end here with her father and brother Waldo and Bruce Reeves. Mrs. Belle Davis left Sunday for Murray, Utah, to see her daughter and family, Robert and Helen Simkins. Helen was going into the hospital Monday for surgery. Miss Raona Ence spent the week end in Salt Lake City and Provo visiting her granofather and aunt, Horrace and Iona Roun-dy Roun-dy and a girl friend at the BYU. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pollock and family of Enterprise were Sunday Sun-day visitors in town. Visiting at the Glade Berry home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Antone Prince of St. George, Mr. and Mrs. Gaylen Berry and family, fam-ily, Lizzie Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Bladen and family of Cedar City. Visiting Aunt Mollie Williams on Mother's Day were Gerald and Marilyn Prince and Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge McDonough and family fam-ily of Cedar City. Mrs. Ethna Williams enjoyed a visit from some of her children and grandchildren over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Garth Pollock and family of Cedar City, Mr. and Mrs. Rowan Williams and family fam-ily of Las Vegas, and Mr. and Mrs. Verle Williams and sons of Downey, California. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart of Sun Valley, Calif., visited at the Edwin Williams home Sunday. Sun-day. Mrs. Roma Wood spent a few days here the past week visltirg with her mother, Mrs. Hettie Pollock Pol-lock and the Ross Williams family. fam-ily. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Willard Williams over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Williams and daughter Sabina of Las Vegas, Veg-as, and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Riddle Rid-dle and daughter Peggy of Cedar City. Mr. and Mrs. Glade Berry received re-ceived word that their daughter Karla Davis underwent surgery Monday at the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City. Visiting Frances Williams Sunday Sun-day were Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Miller Mil-ler and Lori Kay of Murray, and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Walker of Cedar City. Mrs. Mabel Williams enjoyed a visit from her daughter, Mrs. Leona Dalton and children of Parowan and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Adams and family of Cedar City. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Boardman of Paragonah visited Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Robinson. Work is starting again on the road west of town after closing down for the past week due to the heavy snow storms. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davis and Hannah Davis visited Sunday Sun-day in New Harmony with their daughter and sister, Marva Prince, who spent the past ten days in the Valley View Medical Center for treatment for rheumatic rheumat-ic fever. |