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Show pi$mt Mt,"c You,h Mut L ' I X capture imjB L iify . II ttlltl7-)tWt)tch y Rxnf "i I Jf "tche tipaniim Vj f bfKtltt .? l ill Si, ' "! Water- 1 k K-1'! P'00. ttlf-wind- f C'W ing, hock.rlt- 4 " nt. LMminowi. Sweep second. 17 . 1 V Jewelt. Also with V Jr p i charcoal dial. COME IN AND SE OUK COAtKfTE IU10VA Sf IfCTION - mom $24.75 Mullett Jewelry i Fricf plus tot ! WhM cot, cryilol nd crown or lntoct. ' 2n rJlOElE MILEAGE WITH GS-1000 nportt Mauric B. Sims of AlbuqwrqVf Nw Mexico. Mr. Sims drives two cars. One old, one new; one used round town,, one used on long sales trips. In his Buick, used for in-town driving, Mr. Sims reports that his mileage has increased from 10 miles per gallon to 13 miles per gallon since using GS-1000. This is a 30 increase or a cash savings of over 10c per gallon. . His business car is a 1962 Rambler Metropolitan. Before switching to GS-1000, he was averaging 29 miles per gal-Jon. gal-Jon. Now he's getting 33 miles per gallon almost 14 greater mileage or a cash savings of 4c per gallon. Mr. Sims sums it up by saying, "In addition to improved im-proved mileage from both cars, I sincerely and enthusiastically enthusias-tically state that GS-1000 is the best-performing gas I have ever used." I STANDS WAY ABOVE THE CROWD FOR REAL CAR BUYS AND SERVICE I For BRAND NAME Merchandise Shop at S&eveiTuS Coo i Cedar City. Utah We carry over 60 lines of ; Famous Brand Name Merchandise shop at ; STEVENS COMPANY For Merchandise You Know and can depend on ; Paint A New Personality Into Your Home .f; V - Is Your Complete Decoration Center v j j . r 7 Oniy the most well known and most re- a ppected brand named products are pur- Jq 3f0 chased to provide you, the customer, with pleased tO annOUnCe fhe ullimate in nidking your home a home L C'"-"- 1 OUr appointment aS of beauty and comfort. : -.r- 4 the headquarters for ; ' Martin-SenOUr PaintS Choo-o from such names as: : in this area! metropolitan ; 5 The Murtin-Srnour Sign of Quality u now on dif , ,,v' ' play and a complete atock of thia top quality paint TI IOMAS VILLE 1 ' i ' w ia available for every decorating requirement. J Martin-Senour la one of the oldcat and moat MARTINVILLE reapected namea in the paint Induatry. Since 1878 TrWTTT?n TTT TT) N'TTT TTJ IT- the company haa led in the development of new UINllliJ rUKlNlIURfc. and better waya to make auperior, more eervice- iTMrtvn tmimt nnr,.. able finiahe. for a rowing and more color con- ADVANCE UPHOLSTERY arioua America. The fineat vinyl latei paint, the amaaing. longer-laating polyurethana ar- niahea and many other producU were outstanding j Martin-Senour devt'-pmenta. In Addition CEDAR HOME FURNISHINGS "K'lSt'' ! - ' 1 - 1 limited color blending to better aerve ruatomera. . ' 'I Color etyliaU at Martin-Senour contimioualy pre- , jli v- i diet color trenda for architect, deaigner. and Offers the Complete SerVICeS of fcL 1 1 leading home decorator publicationa. a...-. L J National Society of Interior Designers r R free c","ieo"n I r NSID is a coordinated, coherent, profes- tWar DECORATOR sional orpanization whose aims and pur- I VS'NI SERVICE Poses include: T A ' Represent the Interior design profession A 4 to the publio and the trades. I C. U I r """" ...f . Successfully accomplish the licensing of vl riftlllxL-l y qualified Interior designers as a protee- fl imti pJ' ,,0n t0 tne public. A Free Pan and Roller with the Pur- i p -k Recognize the individual community of ChaSe Of a gal. Or mOre Of paint iPjUliiijl, Interests of all segments comprising the Interior design field. t Cedar Home Furnishings YOUR DOWNTOWN FURNITURE STORE PROFESSIONAL INTER IOR DESIGN SERVICE ' ---rrrrri-rrri i rrrfiiijjfaitt3ffTtfrrmmBMt,itm3rftffts,...r....mrK.mft,,. ' |