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Show SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS i2ulton-vonl JrocL J)s UerSalife nSmarl 2baijimer for oCarqe figure 111 pill Popular House Dress CTART your day with a song in a jifly-on house frock like the one illustrated. The popular keyhole key-hole neckline is set of! with colorful color-ful ric rac trim, which also edges the pocket flaps. Ideal for afternoon after-noon wear too if you make it with the three-quarter sleeves provided in the pattern. ' Pattern No. 1577 comes In sizes 32. 34, 36, 33. 40, 42. 44 and 46. Si.e 34. short sleeve, 35 yards of 35 or 39-Inch; Hi yards ric rac. Daytime Dress A NARROW harmonizing bind-ing bind-ing makes a nice finish on this simple styled daytime dress in the larger size range. The flattering flat-tering panelled skirt is beloved by all women and goes together easily eas-ily and quickly. You'll wear it sverywhere with pride now through Spring. e e e Pattern No. 8097 Is for sizes 36, 38, 40, 12, 44, 46. 48. 50 and 52. Size 38 requires I's yards ol 35 or 39-inch; 4ta yards of blading. Ik ntkJ tip 36-52 The sriUNO Issue of FASHION will delight de-light von with iu imurl. pmrtlc.il styles far everr home sewer. Hpeclallv designed ruitterns, personality churls, free crurhel-ni crurhel-ni directions, free hat pattern printed Inside the book. I'rice !!5 cents. Sen! your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 709 Mission St., Sao Francisco, Calif. Enclose 25 cents In coins for each pattern desired. Pattern No. Size Name Address &m to? W VI Voo start right when you meoiufe the tjjp j , required amount of Clobber Girl Into f -45wr5 your flour ... You ore sure to get juf vv 0G&t ,h ris 'n y00' m''n9 bowl, T?j5S?T-j-Lj 0,,ow,d by that final rise to light ond fluffy flovor in the oven . . . That's the ttory of Clabber Girl's balanced double action. 1 J Rub In Den-Gay for gently warming, soothing, speedy relief from cold discomfort! Ben-Gay contains V up to 2 'a times more of those famous pain-relieving , ; ' s ingredients known to every doctor-methyl salicylate r and menthol -than five other widely offered rub-ins. 'L 1 Insist on ionuino Ben-Gay, the original Bourns ; ! ," Analgesique. It acts fasti V ; Alsa for Pain due to RHEUMATISM, MUSCU ACHE, snd STRAINS. ' ' f ; Ask for Mild Ben-Csi for Children. ; , |