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Show (By Doris Brown) SWEETHEART'S BALL Peggy Bulloch, president of the Pep Club, has announced that February Feb-ruary 28 will be the date for the .weethearfs Ball. This dance Is th' mly formal affair of the year where he girl asks for the date. The highlight of the dance will the crowning of the King and "ueen of Hearts. A boy and girl vill be chosen by each class to com-wte com-wte for this honor. Final voting vlll be held the night of the dance nd only high school students will .e allowed to vote. The theme for the dance will lot be announced until a later date out. the dance committee promise i very effective decoration scheme. Committees for the affair arc as follows: Decorations, Barbara Al-bertson. Al-bertson. Doris Brown, JoAnn Rol lins, Betty DeMille, Zona Middle ton, Lois Gardner and Dorothy Messer; Assembly, Marilyn Macfar-lane, Macfar-lane, Jane: Jones and Jane Moiling Publicity, Bonnie Mathews, Joy. 'Webster, La Rue Bauer, UlDene A-drms, A-drms, Audrey Williams, Marjoric Bauer and Muriel Applegate. As sembly programs, Lovlnna Malhe-.on, Malhe-.on, Eleanor Sargent, Joy Tall, and Virginia Rosenberg; Dance Programs, Pro-grams, Anne Ashcrofa, Joy Hor rocks, Claire Esplln, and Frances Beal; King and Queen, Jean Marie Heywood, Beverly Brunson, Beverly Knell and Donna Bird; Tlcke's Elaine Heyborne, Pat Larson, LaRae Braf!aaaw, Sh'rley Fiack, Barbara Halterman and Olga Taylor; Refreshments, Re-freshments, Dolores Urle, Aulrev Dotson, Marian Williams and Elaine Jeppson; Floor showv Roma Justet. |