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Show - TIRES WHEN STOLEN I Do you know that every tire on your ! car has a serial number? If so, have you a record of this number? Nine times out of ten the motorist who reports the theft of an automobile tire to the police is unable to tell the serial number of his tire, according to the B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company. Com-pany. This number Is the only positive posi-tive means of Identification for the authorities. Telling the band of the casing, describing Its appearance or telling of its mileage record la of little lit-tle or no consequence. The Goodrich Company and most of the other large manufacturers of tires place Perlal numbers on each tire Through these numbers can be tracei not only the material in the tire, when j the tire was made, but on what mach-! ine and what workman handled them, It would be an easy matter for the thief to chisel off the serial number, but In so doing he would decrease the value of the tire 7$por cent. Bases for adjustments are available only on tires with serial numbers. Thus, the importance of a record of the . tire's , number Is obvious. Stealing tires without with-out numbers would be a profitless J undertaking for tire burglars. Police officials In big cities state that the identification of one ttre very often leads to the recovery of Bcores of others.' Not only are tires but stolen automobiles as well recovered by tracing tire serial numbers. In Chicago last year over $2,000,000 worth of tires were stolen and not recovered. re-covered. The percentage of tires recovered re-covered would be swelled amazingly In the United States if automobilists would make a record of tire numbers. Hundreds of stolen cars would be reclaimed, re-claimed, also r cores of auto thieves apprehended. Every , month thousands of stolen I tires are recovered by the police departments de-partments of large cities, but are disposed dis-posed of as so much junk at a custodian's cus-todian's sale. If the police were notified noti-fied of the serial numbers of stolen tires many of these would be placed hack into the hnnds of their owners. |