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Show POTATO BREAD One cup mashed potato, H teaspoon salt, 2 il2 cups flour (more if necessary), neces-sary), 4 tablespoons water, 2 to 4 tablespoons liquid yeast, or il2 cake dry yeast, or 16 to 12 cake compressed com-pressed yeast. Short process: Mix the salt with the mashed potatoes, which are free from lumps and cooled until lukewarm. Add 16 to 12 cake compressed com-pressed yeast softened in 4 tablespoons warm water, or 2 to 4 tablespoons liquid yeast, or il2 cake dry yeast When liquid yeast is used no additional addi-tional water must be added. (Blend with this potato and yeast mixture 1 cup flour. Stir until smooth, cover, and set to rise. When this sponge is light and soft, knead in enough flour to make a rather stiff but elastic dough. Be sure that it is stiffer than ordinary dough. Cover and let rise again until very light. Knead down, mold, and place In lightly-greased pan. Let rise in pan until as high as ordinary ordin-ary white bread, then bake at least one hour in a moderately hot oven. Sake very thoroughly. This makes one loaf. |