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Show CURING BRAIN BY PROXY. Hc-vv Balance of Seat of Reason Can Be Restored. w'th tho surroundings of tho brain r.ropor there havo been remnrknblo Burglcal achievements; Bomo of tham in operations performed half a body's length from the disturbed organ. Botweon Bo-tweon tho brain proper aud Its lining ,s a shallow sea of fluid which extends nil the way down tho hollow lnsldo ot the spine, around tho spinal cord. M this fluid becomes deranged or compressed com-pressed the brain Is affected. Now, In one part of tho head this liquid substance constitutes n llttlo spirit tovel, like a carpenter's level, which servos to keep tho human machlno properly balanced. Sometimes tho fluid In this level Increases beyond tho normal capacity. Then tho patient Is nnnoyod by constant ringing In tho oars and presently becomes subject to Bovero and dangerous vortlgo. This is because tho unconscious sonso of balance Is disturbed. A fow years ago tho medical faculty woro at n loss for a cure. Now they know that tho brain fluids may bo controlled from tho spine. So they tap tho victim vic-tim of tho deranged spirit level near the base of tho spine, draw off tho surplus sur-plus fluid and send him on his way, relieved, balanced and rejoicing. This lumbar tapping is of Incstlmnblo value In tho diagnosing of meningitis, abscesses ab-scesses and other cerebral diseases; tho examination of tho fluid drawn from tho spine, In fact, affording diagnosis diag-nosis for all brain diseases other than tho purely nervous affections. Mc-Cluro's Mc-Cluro's Magazine. |