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Show CLEARING UP A MURDER MYSTERY BJ , , , Colorado Springs, Colo. Mrs. Meda BBJ Komptor.wlfo of Richard Kemptor of BBJ Syracuse,' N. Y., has Identified tho re- BBl mains of tho Cutler mountain victim BBVJ as .that of her daughter, Mrs. Bcsslo BBM Boutou, nnd left Jnt Sunday night BBI with thp remains for Now York. Tho BBVJ Identification was .mndo complete by BBl tho dontal work upon tho teeth nnd by BBJ n scar upon tho right sido of tho left BBl foro finger as woll as by tho hair. Tho BBJ mother charged that MUtan Franklin BBJ Andrews attempted to murder tho girl Bvj by poison whllo on tho Pacific coast, BY and ,thls convinces tho pollco that If BW . thoy can capture Andrews they will bo BW ablo to establish a murder chargo BY against him. Tho body of Bcsslo Bouton was found on Cutler mountain, south of this city, on tho afternoon of December Decem-ber 17(i 1904, by Dr. Chamberlain and a party of friends. Death was caused by a 28-callbor bullet being fired Into tho head. Every article of clothing was removed by tho murderer and tho body placed across tho stump of a treo, faco downward. In tho effort to prevent, recognition of tho body, tho murdoror poured gasoline upon tho body and built a flro under tho face But tho oxtonsivo dontal work upon tho teeth was not destroyed, and It was this work which has led to tho Identification of tho victim. |