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Show RUSSIANS DESTROY SAILING VESSELS BBB Toklo. Four Russian torpedo boat BBfl destroyers from, Vladivostok appeared BBfl westward of Hokkaido, off Satsu, Sat- BBfl unlay, Thejlsolzcd and burned n BBB spall satllngjiYWscl nnd Imprisoned the S?!'? nnd dha)PPcarpil to -lip north-0tKfSm--lV0lk Thcyfwiiy uv;don,tlyirQturnid J.'-" 'to Vladivostok. Thero 'is a jfpsslblilti' BBB that tlioy.liavo destroyed other small BBB praft, although no rpports to that of- BBBM feet have been received. H Tiie object of thqlr visit Is not BBI 'clear. It Is thought that probably BBil " -f ' ' they hoped to torpedo tho Japaneso patrol at night, and It Is also suggested that tho Vladivostok vessels plan a diversion di-version to nssist tho fleet of Admiral Rojestvonsk'. Althoughmo have been sighted It is bolJop(lBlrtt,rfiro-loiW Wdlpn tho Vlniltonjtok sqv'adrou acdom-panted acdom-panted thelWpodo boats which appeared ap-peared wcstVrf Hokkaido. It is doubted doubt-ed that torpedo boats would venturo across unescorted In tho heavy sea which was running when thoy burned tho sailing vessel. |