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Show MUSIC MASTER'S CLEVER RUSE. Made Practlco Seem Too Hard for Un' promising Pupil. A very rich lady offorod Garcia any prico If ho would only tench her daughter. Ho refused, knowing woll ho could never obtain serious work from her, but, us tho mothor porslst-ed, porslst-ed, ho hit upon a compromise. Hd iskod tho ladlos to bo present during u lesson, nnd lie undertook if tho girl still wished to learn singing after" hearing it taught, to teach her. Thq lesson began. Tho pupil, who scorned to the listeners an already finished slngor. had to ropoat pasgago after passage of tho most difficult exorcises before the master was satisfied. Ho Insisted upon tho minutest attention to ovory detail or execution. Mother and daughter exchanged horrified glances and looked on pityingly. The lesson finished, tho master bowed tho ladles out, nnd In passing tho pupil tho young girl whlsperod to her. "It would kill mo!" Sonor Garcia, returning return-ing from the door, said contentedly: "They will not come again; thnnk you, nion enfant, you sang well." London Mall. |