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Show TOMMY'S fyfeDICIJjJ Bis Anxlons sjotber Uoioi UlmV UrlinatoDo. ISeSH A small boy, moro or less tbo HftirtH a oortatn housobold and tbo scourgo cVH tho neighborhood, showod signs of oo quiring the complexion of a loopard, V says tho Pittsburgh Dispatch. That is il to say, his mother noticod that hot? 'VAl treasure's faco was becoming terribly H spotted. mi Sho called tbo family doctor's attcn- H Uon to tbo trouble, and bo said in tho 'L bri'Mjuo nfl-liand way wo all know so ivillt "Uho blm a lovQl.tcabpou:if,uV of JH bitii!btonoov.iq:day," M '1 ho doutor's word waslawintlmtfam- lly, nnd a considerable sblpmont of brim- JjB Btonowas procured at once. Omitting' H tbo do tails of administration, wo rosy H pass on to tbo noxt visit of tbo dootor to H tho family of tho boy jH "H'oll, how's Tommy?" was tho doo- iH tor's first question. H "Ob, ho's vory much worso. As you H ordered, I gavo him olovon spoonfuls H of brlmstono and he's boon raising " H "Eleven spoonfulsl 1 novor ordorod Hil that many," shouted tho doctor, as ho H nervously sprung upstairs toward Tom- H my'sroom, "A level spoonful was what H I said." , k to, JB |