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Show A Story with a Moral. A Bath (Mo.) butohor has fallen a victim to hlrasolf. Ho notlcod a noat harness In a frlond's possession that looked hotter than Ills own, whhh bo had not oloanod stneo ho bought it, and offered to swap and pay S5 boot. Tho frlond accepted tho offor. Tho butohor took no bottor caro of this barnoss than of tho othor, and it soon showod ltsolf a rather poor artiolo. Bomo tlmo nftor ho mot his frlond with a vory bandsomo now harness on bis horso and again offered of-fered to trado. Aftor handing ovor tho old harness and. S3 moro ho wont homo satisfied with, tho Uargain and all unconscious un-conscious that ho had paid just 910 to havo his original harness oloanod. The ralsty, mnlsty woathor bas made waman's necessity the mother of her Invention. In-vention. To koop her preolous anklca dry and bor kltlrti nnmillloJ sho has In-rntert In-rntert a now facing for hor dross It la m&ioyf oil-cloth or maoklnlaab ololh, |