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Show RUMBLKSIOF THE IUILBOADS. Th. Ploehs Bxttailoa to Bo Poshed Halt H sad PertoniL H Ksws has bo.n nselrto1 In tbls city from aa uamtiUksdtr aathiMtir source that tbsmsn- H sgtfm.nt of tho Union Psetl. IUIlwsr has 'M anally deldl to begin work on the Mllfid. H Plooh i tendon on the flnt of March. Tho rod H hsi btsn traded Irom Mllford to Ploehs, a dlt. H Unco of 1(0 miles, bat ih. rus4bl and rails H only x;i out Iro'i Utord affmlUs. Tbo jH tnuttdindalt pari f tho v-rr of on. t ruction H Lm b4UfijipouJ. na it in t.lt roqalrs hAI uuu liiii i ,if - ul la ran M ali-p vrd.r, 80 Uw o4 pitpls of Plool. o-.i at b H inrptMd If they ara awskwod from tholr Rip 'IH Vtn Wiiklo iltip by the shrill blut or a loco- H motire before laoir fllte next winter. Tho ooantr r B which tho toad will open dp to 'ettloment and H trade li of equal) Importance to this city at the H ectlon of country the Ikop Crook projoel wilt B InTade- Either will tncroaso the trade of thii olty B to an Ineatoulabte extent and with both la oper '9J atloa Salt Laka City will eeoa become tho mates H bI.Iok eonter and dlitrlbatloj roint oa the cos- tlneat. Trlbuaa. BJ |