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Show A VOICE FROM THE PULPIT. Rev. Jacob D. Van Doron, of 57 Sixth street, Fond Du Lac, Wis., Presbyterian clergyman, says: "I had attacks of kidney dls- orders which kopt mo fgS In tho houso for days wV diu nt n l'mc unablo to JeTJMX d0 nn'thlnS- What I XrJE'WffiaP- suffered can Lnrdly rSEaB bo told. Compllca- j-euhO tions set In, tho par- . T$$$fr l'culars of which I ' T-1ipi will bo pleased to 4RMfl7 glvo in a porsonal In- "slHnP torvlow to any ono jg25h$t rv. wno requires infor- "S&J " conscientiously say: :Sj Doan's Kidnoy Pllla T:iz!- caused a general lm- 8fcs"J',r-i-JT:i provement in my benlth. They brought great relief by lessening' tho pain and j correcting tho action of tho kidnoy secretions." Doan's Kidnoy Pills for salo by all dealers. Price, 5Q cents. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ' |