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Show I IN INTERESTS OF DEMOCRACY. B Hon. Clias. Adams and James OHorton M of Farowan Talk Politics. H MISREPRESENTATION IS DISAPPROVED. B What Uemocracy Has Done for Utah K HovTaxc3 Should be Apportioned .B Not'OfJke-Seekcrs. IK Tho looal domoorats woro unfortu- ) tmto hi thoir mooting lust Wednesday j night, owing to tho fooling of Borrow B that provndod tho cominnuKty on no- K count of tho death of Miss Ouroliuo IB Dalloy, whoso funoral took plaoo on H tho uftornoon procodiug thoir moot K illff. TllO flifniwlllllPn virna ynr-rr o..,ll f nud it could not full to havo a rathor I doprossitig ofreot on tho gontlomon from Parowan, who had como ovor for f tho purposo of addressing tho nssom-I nssom-I bly. Ilowovor, as tho mooting had boon advortised for that night, thoy I had no ultornulivo but to proceed. Chairman Sbhoppmann cullod tho mooting to order at about 8 o'clock, and aftor explaining tho probablo causo of tho slim attondauco, mado I n sliort, but lholy speech, in which J ho fcaid tho' democratic party is and nlwoya has boon tho friend of Utah ; , its roprosontatlves in tho congress of tho Unltod Statos havo always boon of tho mo3t approvod kind, and that i ' tho party would win In tho coming oloctiou in both tho county, stato and nation, and invited his boaters to como to him aftor oloctiou and toll hira if ho know anything about it or -v not, Mr. Jamos Ollortou of Parowan said , ' ho was not an ollioo sookor, though ho is tho candidate of tho democratic H: party for county attorney in this . county; ho did not sook tho uomiua- Jl tlon, mid did not want tho oilico if jf tho, peoplo do 'Hot want him to havo ry"" l'"in.Utio would Wined to hoicMuiy- n ofllco that tho majority of tho peoplo V did not want him to havo. If ho J should bo defoatod ho would not fool hurt, as it would only Bhow that ho is not tho man that tho majority of tho peoplo want. Did not think it mattered much which party is in powor in our county, coun-ty, if tho ofllco holders aro only good inou. Roliovod that tho two great parties aro tolorably ovonly dividod in Iron county, but was not so suro in rotation to tho nation. Did not bollovo in tho praotico of abusing and misrepresenting tho opposite party ; sponkors should toll tho truth in politics as woll as in othor matters. Said it had boon ohargod that tho democratic party had dono nothing, oithor for tho stato or nation, but that tho domocratic party gavo stuto- hood to Utah. Boliovod In putting good mon in ofllco and makes it a rulo to not voto ' for any man whoso oilloial bonds ho lr would bo unwilling to sign. Doll evod, in common with his party, in low taxes ; tho domocratic party has a record that supports this contention. p' Said that aftor tho votes aro countod (' It will bo found that noithqr party t L will have socurod all tho ofllcos. L HON. CHARLES ADAMS 1 Said ho did not fool bad on account fk "f tho small attondauco, and thut ho " t would say just what ho would havo SL , - wild if tho houso had boon filled. V f, T Said u roport was In circulation to r f u- tho ofreot that if ho was elected to tho rtj l ollioo of county comuilsalonor, ho & would try to Inoroaso tho taxos on 'If proporty in Oodar City and in this end J I, of tho county. His labor on a com- j f , , mittoo that hud Intorviowod tho conn- , . ty.oommlBslonors somo two years ago, 3j,; whon complaint was mado to that )f k body tlmj cortalu land without wutor ,V in. th,o Parowan vulloy was assessed , too high, had probably given riso to i tho roport; but that his "contention J , on that occasion was, not that Codur ' was asscssod too low, hut thut this class of land in Parowan was ussossod J1 , too high. Said ho boliovod in koop- 1. j ing down taxes as low in tills county 1 "8 thoy aro in any county in tho stato and that If ho lias any voloo In tho I county board ho will ho found work 9 ing to that oud. Explained that it j would ho impossible for him to ruiso j tho taxos if ho woro so disposed, as if upon tho nssossor, who will bo a resident res-ident of Cedar, rests tho main responsibility; respon-sibility; and whatover powor tho commissioner com-missioner has is shurod by two othors, ono of whom Is always n rosldont of this end of tho county. Iloliovod that tho stock and shcop mon aro tux-od tux-od higho,r in tills county than thoy nro In counties farthor north, in proportion propor-tion to tho valuo of thoir animals, as our stookmou havo to ship thoir proporty pro-porty further to market thorn. Suld Judgq Powers was accused of bolug mi onomy to tho Mormon poo-plo, poo-plo, but that ho hud not anything liko so bad a rocord along thoso linos aa Judgo Zano and othor republicans who havo boon put iu ofllco by thoir party. |