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Show BLOOD WILL TELL A THEORY SUPPORTED BV FRESH, CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE. A Recent Instance Proves That a Woman's Happiness Is Largely Dependent De-pendent on the State of Her Blood.' Whon the blood Is disordered ovory organ of the body is affected unfavorably unfavor-ably und falls to discharge its functions func-tions properly. In the caso of every woman nuluro has niado special provision pro-vision for a periodical purification of tho blood, aud so long as this occurs her health and spirits unfailingly reveal re-veal tho beneficial results. So slight a causo as n cold or a nervous shock may produco a suppression of this vital function, and until It is restored she is doomed to misery. Tho remedy that has proved most prompt and effective In nil disorders peculiar to tho female sex Is that which brought such great relief to Miss Mattlo Griggs, of No. 807 Indiana street, Law-ronce, Law-ronce, Kansas, concerning which sho speaks as follows: "In tho winter of 1902, from somo unknown cause, there was a cessation of functions peculiar to my sex for a period of four months. I becamo very weak nnd could not get up stairs without help. I had nausea and pain and a constant headache. I was tin- dor tho caro of a physician for three months, but ho did not succeed In curing cur-ing me. Then a lady friend told mo about tho merits of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which she had used in her family, fam-ily, and she Induced mo to try them. It was In May when I first began to uso them, and in Juno I had fully recovered my health, and havo slnco remained perfectly well." In all cases of delayed development of young girls; In anemia or weakness duo to Impoverished blood and showing show-ing Itself In pallor, lack of ambition, despondency and nervousness; also in tho great constitutional disturbances attending tho period known as tho change of life, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are lnvaluahlo for women, whoso health Is always closely dependent on tho state of tho blood. They nro sold by all druggists. A booklot of valuable Information relating to the caro of a woman's health at all Important periods, peri-ods, and ontltled "Plain Talks to Women," Wo-men," will bo sont freo In a sealed en-volopo en-volopo to any one who chooses to write for It to tho Dr. Williams Mcdl-clno Mcdl-clno Company. Schenectady, N. V. |