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Show Excellent Opportunity to Arrange for Your Reception at St. Louis, During the Fair, Free. If you Intend going to tho Louisiana Purchuso Exposition, St. l.ouls, Missouri, Mis-souri, opened by President Koosbvclt April 30th, l'JOl, It will bo vory much to your advantage to correspond with Mr. F. II. Worsloy. No. 411 Dooloy block, Salt Lako City, Utah. Mr. Worsloy has arranged to havo all his pnrtlns met at tho St. Louis dopot and escorted to tholr lodgings, which will bo reserved In advance Information rclatlvo to passenger rales, stop-ovors, ticket limits, hotel rates and till other necessary Information Informa-tion asked for will bo cheorfully given free of charge. This will especially ho of benefit to those desiring to travel with Utah parties or in parties of four or five. School teachers will also hoar something to tholr Interests by writing above narty. |