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Show Hj Wo hnvo boon shown ailldavits sign- Hj ed by .ludgo John P. Ohidostor of tho H tiixth (list riot nnd by two other res- H idonts of that district which, in our H opinion, exonerate. Judge W, V. Knox M of tiio chnrgo of having betrayed tho m fntorestd nf tlio pooplo of Girclovilio, M l'iuto county, after having taken B nioiioy from thorn ns n rotnlnor. Tho 1 eJlldavlta nllego that Mr. ICnox was H employed by tho pcoplo of Uarilold nud Pluto countloB jointly nftor-which nftor-which tho Piuto county pcoplo withdrew with-drew from tho compact, and Judge Knox coutiuuod to dofond the caso for tho Garllold county people. |