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Show Tho ropronentfltlvo of Tho Record was naked tliio week by n person who evidently supports diiroreut views to thoso ndvocntod in our iust Issuo lu relation to prohibition and tho encouragement of luw aud order, if wo nould publish u reply to our com-nionts. com-nionts. Wo very fi-eoly consontcd, with tho proviso that tho porsou or poreons making tho reply should sign thoir names to tho article for publication. publi-cation. This, apparently, thoy woro not willing to do. Our stand has boen taken for what wo holiovo to bo tho best Interests of tlio commu-ntiy; commu-ntiy; ourroudersnnd tho public know who wo nro, and wo nro not ashamed nor afraid to fathor our Hontimontfl. If tboHO taking tho other sldo nro Bincoro in thoir contention, they should not bo nfruid to mako thoir identity known. Tho fact that tlioy oro nfruid, prqves that thoy appreciate appreci-ate tho fact that thoir oourso is consuiablo, for thoy aro. not willing to como out and Bay in Tlio opon what thoy would liko to poison tho public mind with from undor covor of a nom do plume. This old ong about "giving tho town a blaok-oyo" ovory timo tho pa-por pa-por condemns wrongdoings, will have to ho sot to n now tuno or sang by different pooplo boforo it will reach tlio hoarta of good citi.ons. Tho policy pol-icy of whitewashing tho outsido of tho sopulchro wbilo tho insido is full of dead men's bones is not ouo that is calculated to improve conditions. Thoro has boon too much of this pol-icy pol-icy in Cedar nlroody for tlio good of tlio town. Pooplo lack tlioinonilcour ago to call things by thoir right names. Wrong doing is puillatod und condonod for fear of giving oirouso to some ouo, or somobody's son. What Cedar nooda is for moro pooplo to have tho oounigo of thoir convictions, and place tho stamp of publlo disapproval so emphuticnlly on lawlorsnesa that tho perpetrators will hiko themselves to tho woods or "'go ""way back and sit down,' ln-btoad ln-btoad of trying to piopagato 'tholr ovll intluouces. Tho Record has no pei-souul 1l6ht with auyotio ill tnJs matior; it is the practices wo aro after, and whorevor the cap ills we nro glad to liavo It worn. |