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Show ST. MARY'S PUPILS. Young Ladies of the Academy Have a Literary Afternoon. T he first number for the present school session of the manuscript paper edited by the graduating class was nad in the assembly -mum on Friday afternoon, before an audience consisting consist-ing of the pupils, teachers and a few friends from the city. As an evidence of the literary work done at St. Mary's academy, it was very creditable to the edfitors and contributors. con-tributors. SpecimoJi. of prose and verse abounded, stroner or flexible or ornate, as the surject demanded, i .11101031 1 us mingling 01 uie serious ana humorous being preserved throughout. through-out. Such themes as "A Moonlight Word Sonata." "Melancholy Days." "The A tit inn n Girl." "The Yankee Admiral" in verso). "A Serin-comic Criticism upon the 'Poem.'" "Jack and Jill," "Fninde;s" Dary." "A Private-Room Rallad" (with apologies to Longfellow), "Charcoal Sketch.es." "In Red and Gold" (verseK "Fall Styles," "The Old Girl and the New." and "Dewey Day," "The mouth of the Rosemary." etc., vill give, an idea of matter handled by these school girl scribes. The object of the paper is to develop and "tnoourage literary talent among the pupils, to cultivate a taste for the highest and best in literature now everywhere recognized, as by far one of th strongest formattve forces in the development of a. strong character in cur youth. The editors are the Misses M. Wood. A. Dechene, A. O'Brien and M. Robert, son: amone the contributors are Miss M. Kinny and Miss H. Pollock. Much enthusiasm prevails among the pupils as to things literary, and a spirit of emulation premising well for the success suc-cess of the literary course. St. Mary's Alumni. The mo-nbers of St. Mary's alumni h( Id a business meeting at the academy last Sunday afternoon, to perfect ar-ra.nwmenits ar-ra.nwmenits for their annual meeting and banquet, which is to take place Nov. A. A great deal of interest is being manifested man-ifested by the young ladies in charge of ihe affairs of.the alumni, and all are looking forward with much pleasure to the meeting which will take place be-1 be-1 tween teachers and pupils, some of whom have not met for ten years or more. Another meeting will be held at the academy next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. |