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Show LOG CABIN BAKERY 1207 Fifteenth Street. Pure Rye Bread. Rye Bread with Caraway seed. FIKST-CLASS MEALS, r.c. 1207 Fifteenth St., Denver, Colo. THE GEYSERITE SOAP C0.f :Manufacturers of DENVER BEST AND WHITE ROSE Laundry Soaps. Denver. Colo. A. VV. CLARK, FAMILY DRUGGIST, Dispenser of Medicine. Telephone lttW Night Bell. Corner Eighth and Santa Fe Avenues. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Denver, Colo. ! E. P. McGOVERN, ! 1442 ARAPAHOE STREET. Denver, Colo. Wood, Metal and Cloth Cases, AND CASKETS. Hearses, Hardware, Robes. Linings and Funeral Furniture. CALVARY CATHOLIC LEITIEIEKI ABULIA Hull Room 35 Tabor Block. DENVER, COLO. Office Hours S to 10 a. in. Office Hours 2 to 4 p. m. Graduate, of the Oriental School of Embalming. W. P. HORAN, Funeral Undertaker and Embalmer. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WORK. Telephone 1.36S. 920 Fifteenth St. - - .- - Charles Block. Denver, Colo. CHAS. F. CUNO, ASSAYEE, AND CHEMIST. Onlrl . Silvpr T.parl. 7Pi cents each. Anv two, $1. All three. 51.23. Copper, $1. Zinc, $1.50. Iron. Manganese, Silica. $2.00 each; all three. $5.00. Prices on other chemical I work furnished upon application. Amalgamation, Amal-gamation, Cyanide. Chlorination tests, $5 each. 1732 Champa St.. P. O. Box 784. DENVER, COLO. E. E. BURLINGAME & CO., Assay Office and Chemical Laboratory Established in Colorado, IStJG. Samples by mail or express will receive prompt and careful attention. GOLD UNO SILVER BULLION m eoVted A"? chased. CONCENTRATION TESTS ..W? 173G-17.'JS Lawrence St., Denver, Colo. NAST TIFiFiSTBiVPEfiTfiSiPIl Corner lGth and Curtis, Opp. Tabor Opera House. j Denver - -- -- -- -- -- - Colo. MEDAL AWARDED By the National Photograph Association at Jamestown, N. Y., July, 1SD9. THE OXFORD HOTEL, Near Union Depot, Denver, Colo. Fire-proof. Popular Prices. Strictly First-class. Rates for Rooms. $1 to $2 per day, special Monthly Rates. , First-class Restaurant. OTTO KAPPLER. C, H. MORSE. DR. STONE, .... THE DENTIST, Rooms 2F and 220 Ernest & Cranmer Building;. Denver, Colo. A full set of Teeth for $ 5.00 Gold-Lined Rubber Plate for 10.00 Aluminum Plate for 10.00 Silver Plate for 15. 00 Gold Plate for S5.00 Porcelain Plate for 50.00 Any filling, except jrold, from 50c to.. LOO Gold tilling, from 71 up Teeth extracted for .25 Teeth extracted with our local anaesthetic an-aesthetic 50 Gold or Porcelain Crown 5.00 In Bridge Work we charsre for each crown or tooth 5.00 REMEMBER i The material and work are warranted to be the very best. By using our own local anaesthetic we can and do fill or extract teeth without pain. . Call and get our prices and Investigate our painless method meth-od of operating. ' DR. STONE,cogS?IirkWND References American National Bank, F. P. Ernest and James P. Owens, Denver. Den-ver. American National Bank. Pueblo. Puetlo office. 103 to 107 Central Block. Telephone 1133. V I I III I III. ' j DENVER, - -- - COLO. I Our Domestic Department A During the busy shopping- hours rrwents a nnl animated scene. Himd- ,;, T some fabrics on every side encroach upon the cnur.u r space, and only V our immerv-'j; output enables tis to keep pace with the rapidly incamin 5 goods. We here call attention t.a few g... 1 values: 5) FLANNELS Eiderdown Flannels cutmd. lim- of n w. handsome W patterns, in stripes, plaids and niain colors. 27 and :;s indies T v wide 0 35c, 50c, 60c, T5c and 90c A - v) v La Porte German Flannels, new effects, rich eo-lorins. in stripes ir, a J and checks. 27 inches- wide . 1w ' , Finc?t French Flannels very extensive line choice, exclusive- rllZ X X pattern-?., in figures, dots, strip and plain colors hs.JltJ German Fancies and Covert Cloths new line- of mixtures. n-at. & (j) pretty patterns, 15c and ISc qualities S-w 9 PERCALES New patterns, bright and dark, fast colors. :U , 'J. V inches wide, lii'.ic qualities ;; 4 SILKALINES Our new line embraces alb the late tloral pat- in, terns, inches wide. 12'ic qua lit. ItW f) DENIMS New Art Denim plain colors, pretty d.-signs. and i- j oi; inches wide. ISc- quality V ! ) BED SPREADS Crochet, full size. ?l quality, X.V St.KO qua!- P! 3- ity Ql.do j A Crochftod Red Spreads, pink or blue, fringed: extra, size, $2.L" CI 7" (i; I J. quality l.ld r., 1 Basement Salesroom $ j j 10-PIECE DECORATED TOILET SETS, FOR $2 93 ( A New shapes, neat decorations in soft colors. 01 '-' a, 12-piece Sets (including' covered slop- jar), for V g A $10.50 DINNER SET, FOR. $7.75 A .$1.T PINN'ER SET. FOR... $9.75 10O DOZEN THIN GERMAN CHINA CPFS AND SACCERS. WORTH 'V $3 DOZEN, MONDAY. PER SET OF 6 CUPS AND SAC- pr, V $ CERS V3C Towel Rollers flood Tumblers, doz Fibre Wash Rasins Thin blown Tumblers. & z. ri 24x9 size Mirrors Jq Wrought Iron Candle- jj Dec-orated Lamp and shade Ifo Hat and Coat Racks $ THE ILLINOIS COVERED ROASTER IS A GOOD ROASTER. t) 26-inch 75e 2-S-inch S5e SO-inon 93e r?J 6 CLOSING OUT PRICES ON liAHY CARRIAGES. S) i , : : I " W. R. OWEN, Mgr. THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT OF THE I DENVER NORMAL AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL, 1543 Glenarm Street, Denver, Colo. J We have solved the problem of a ehort and complete course in Stenography at less than one-half the cost by the old systems. No teacher, student or professional pro-fessional man or woman need be without a practical knowledge of this time-saving time-saving accomplishment. Students may begin at any time. School open through the summer. I UNITED. Tel. 2043. I WOODWORTH'S WALLACE'S I Shorthand College. Business College. I J A. MePHERSON. B. A.. Mgr. 'ROBERT J. WALLACE. Principal. ''V W. A. WOODWORTH, President. Prepare for Office Work. i Prepare for Business. 1739 Champa Street, - - - Denver, Colo g VCS& We carry a A We receive S;' 'H VWJO&fcS'5 4l stock of goods 1 from 10.000 to - V f. I iWCA t ft 25,UW letters -TCK Jp? I ,m$im, fmmtt We own ana occupy the tallest mercantile building in the world. .We have Zrf'f f" IVCTrc over 2,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly jSa 4 S ' engaged filling out-of-town orders. i jj fiSH Wt I $ t) OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is the book of the people it quotes J fl- t Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has over i.ooo pages, 16,000 illustrations, and I ; 'f 23 4.: 60,000 descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 72 cents to print and mail W;' y- j rLiJ each copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show V3 yur good faith, and we'll send you a copy FREE, with all charges prepaid. 1 jf PMOaTBOBEBY WARD & WZXS . " ' ... J 3 2.75 SOXg-AlJCgAT j W-' "' 4 " A'" 4"-'-' - -.- C"V'i A KfeUI'LAK . I KK-BM' I r " '-' sAuunwituK $2.75. I B-'-is Send No Honey, ri,0 I 1 TUMIVEIISnY OF HOTRE MHE NORTE DAME, INDIANA. FULL COURSES IN Classics. Letters, Economics and History. Journalism, Art. Science. Pharmacy, Iiw. Civil. Mechanical Mechanic-al and Electrical Engineering, Architecture. Archi-tecture. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Covrses. ROOMS FREE to all Students who have completed the studies require! for admission ad-mission Into the Junior or- Senior Year of anv of the Collepiate Courses. . ROOMS TO RENT, moderate charge to students over seventeen preDaring for Collegiate Courses. A limited number of candidates for the Ecclesiastical state will be received at special rates. ST. EDWARD'S HALL, for boys under 13 years. Is unique in the completeness of Its equipments. The 5th year will open September 5th, 1SJ3. Catalogues free. JK HAIR SWITCH FREE Jf ON EASY CONDITIONS. t''3 1 Cut this ad. out and mail to ns. Send E "tSt ' Jt small sample or vonrhair.cn telose to the K. VST roots. 8KSO SO HONEY; we will make ami J; send yon bvmail, potiaid.a FIXE HUMAH SvJ HAift SWITCH, mtirh, n.ole w t' inches long from selected human hiir, I 5FT Hi ounces, short stem. V.'e -will inclose s-f -'.J in package with nwitoh pniri-'ientpoHtaco Sfy M torttnrn it to u-!rnot prct' saiisfatiory. bat if found exactly as represented and V, W most extraordinary value and you wi.sii Tr i A to keep it, elltier .nd es$1.50by ai.il within F Jl 10lltjaar'7AliS OHDKBS IMl 3 SV.ITU113 i'-Via -t tl-iO KaIH anions? your fri-judi un.l Vi Fend to lis without any menrj, wetOf-nd 'iw'7 .1 the 3 switches to them direct by mail. 1 . J to h paid for 10 days a'ttr received if-perfectly if-perfectly fiitisfsctory.andjoutaa ihtn ba f , ' thw wllth w end yo fr lor Tour '.rnn 1.1c. !;.?.? We liePlmn Organs, 3afbir, KiiL Dlltaes, Fnrnllure, WntrhM, Blrjric., f.-T-3 Camera and olntr premium, for uHrn fi-Jv or-ipra tttr Oar Swllea-.-. One lady. aimed 'LJ a Piano iafitWn days, one a Sewint; Jlaehlna In 3 d&vt. Orders fiifltch ntonfe or write to-duy for FKL PKEJ! 1 1 II i i' Kit. AiMn-M, Ladic' HaJr Emporium, Chicago, vX . ' 7 state your hiii ad w-i-'. statu i ' -y ' number f ii!'-hi-s arouiid "lr uc ' a ' 1 kreast taken over c-t nnd.-r rres . . 11 . chxe up under anus, an-l we Hi ( A f ' semi ..utiuacoatl.. e.xnres.C. O. fe;-"'" I 1 - u. Jiijt to eaia loD examina V-v- " ' J anil trrlt on at Jour nearest ex-V'1 ex-V'1 !:- '. press 6:!uo ar-d it found ex-M-f.f ti ' r 4 rresented anil th- uor. wo-V wo-V i derful valua you ever suw or heard ; '! i Tij of and e.ual t any coatyoucan btiy ' I ' J i for.!"". paTthexpresBitat ourapeelal f , oir-r"pri-e, '.Ii, and ei-jess eharvres. i THIS rrtACKiNTOSH is h.iesi: I ! . lVSnl style, niadefrutu ea waterproor. ' y ' ' laaeuior, Kniiin-l)3liCaerifl..iii;extn : t - '. . in.', Jout.!9 breasted. Sawr velv.r l- collar, fun.-y plaid lininir. waterproof fe i sewed, strapped and cemented seanrt , ' ', suitable for liotli rain or o.ereo.1. and j t'l-JT t'uanvntccdrreaieitTo'aeeveroiri-red i f- by us or any otber hou-e. Fnrrrt-e Cioth Sampler Jien'sMaeltintoshe". ti ' and Overcoats at from to tlO.OO, write lor tr. ! w.i J. kOi'. Address. -.....r, ILL- I SVoTa ' i I - - SO THE PEOPLE MAY KNOW ' DR. DAJIERON'S dental work is so per- . feet that it can't be improved on by any j dentist at any price. See Dr. Dsirr.f-ron'st i special inducements thin month 45 for a $10 set of teeth: $10 for the best se: of I I teeth on earth; $3 a tooth for K-ld crown I i and brldse work: 50c fr silver liiiir.gs; I ' froiu. t up; air ana teas usen: no pain: joq - to remove tartar; open nights and Sitn-j Sitn-j days. ALBANY DEXTAL PAKLOKS. j Union block. Arupahoa St., opposite P. O, PH0SATE AND GTJAUr- ' IA2JSHIP ITOTICE? I Consult County Clerk or the rte?pectiva Signers for Further Information. IN TH K DISTRICT COI'P.T. PROBATE division, in ai;d for Salt Lakt county. st lite f Utah. In tht' matter f th estate : of Julia. A, Farrn. dcfpased. . No-tice. i The petition of Jo.sepli Farrtn. admiiiis-I admiiiis-I trator of the pstat" of Julia A. Farrt-n. i (ltH!a.sed. praying' for t'lie sfttk-rnfr.t of ! f:il account of s;;ii) administrator ari't 1 for the distribution of the r sidi:- of sai-t j ftato to tho persons entitit.-d. ha b.-n i set for hearins ort Saturday, the- LMh day , ! of October. A. D. lwO. at !:.' o'clock . j m.. .at the. county court houso. l;i th-t I court room of said court, in Salt. Lake I Cirv, Salt Lake county. 1'iah. Witness the cierk or said court (Seal.) with th.? si-al thereof atfixt d. t hi; I 11th dav of Octob.r. A. X). t DAVID ('. IH'XBAR. Clerk. f Kv GEO. K. KI.AH1. Deputy Cl.rk. f W. C. Hull, Attorney. f j I t i |