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Show ! Religious Intelligence A Bakersfield (Cal.) epecial to. the Leader, San Francisco, says the remains re-mains of the Rev. Patrick Lennon were buried with all the solemn and impressive impres-sive ceremonies of the Catholic church. Father Lennon died in Los Angeles a few days ago. The funeral was one of the most largely attended of any that have ever been held in Bakens-field. Bakens-field. The church was packed and the churchyard was filled to the gate, while a great number of people stood in the street or remained in their carriages. car-riages. The many friends of all denominations denomina-tions in San Jose, Cal., of the Rev. John D. Walshe, S. J., of St. Joseph's j church, 'will learn with regret that he , has just received information of the death of his mother, Mn. Mary Walshe, which occurred at her home in ' Leighlin-Bridge. County Carlow, Ireland, Ire-land, at a recent date. Mrs. Walshe had reached the ripe age of P2 years. A. The corner stone of the Providence infirmary at Mobile, Ala., was laid on December 8. with appropriate ceremonies ceremon-ies by Bishop Allen. The chapel is the gift of Major P. C. Hannan and is ' a memorial to his mother. It will be completed February 1 at a cost of $10,000. ' " A deal was- consummated at Joplin, Mo., last week whereby the Italian government secures 3.000 acres of Newton county land for the purpose of colonizing it with 5,000 Italians. The land was purchased by P. G. Cerussy of St. Louis and Rudolpho Vivoli of Firensnola, Italy, acting for the Italian Ital-ian government. This government recently re-cently appropriated $2,000,000 for emigration emi-gration purposes, as a great part of Italy has become densely peopled. The Missouri colony will engage in agricultural agri-cultural pursuits and will found a town. For the first time the magnificent $30,000 altar which Hugh McLaughlin presented to St. James' pro-cathedral, Brooklyn, was used Saturday morning of last week, when requiem high mass was celebrated over his body. Judge J. Blanchard of the New York ! Supreme court, speaking recently on the divorce question, said: "It is reported re-ported that I have triqd fifty-six divorce di-vorce cases since the opening of the fall term. There is one fact in con- i nectiot with this which, in my opinion. ! is a matter of deep thought. Of these fifty-six cases, only one was brought in which the principals were Catholics." Catho-lics." f A contract has been awarded for the construction of a $7,000 organ in St. Pauls's' church, Richmond, Va. The money for the instrument was set aside in the will of the late Mr. John Mahoney. who during life wars a generous gen-erous contributor to the church. , - Recent announcement from Paris tells of the serious illness of his grace, the Archbishop of Paris. |