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Show UTAH COAL. Castle Gate, Snnnyside, Winter Quarter, Clear Creek. LUMP, NT7T AND SLACK. Anthracite, all size; Coke, Charcoal, Blacksmith. P. V. COAL CO., 73 South Main Street. Telephone 429. D. J. SHARP, Agent. t,,,-uVf,. I O'DONNEL & CO., Undertakers &Embalmers I 3 Metropolitan Hotel Block, t f 269 S. WEST TEMPLE STREET. SALT LAKE, CITY. ij Telephone 580. f, DEDERICHS and BURKE Engineers and Contractors Mining and Milling Machinery and Steel Construction. ATLAS BLOCK, Salt Lake City. mi..liw,jillim.'.i''.inijliini""m'l' I p.i iiHntiTurihWft i. i"fr-llftl,Tta,1 ii -Nilftili fn " 1 '-?--" i Joseph Murphy. 1 A. S. Watson. Fl I: Tiwml Directors, EMBAL.MERS. ', Tel. 1013. Parlors opp. Postofftce. EDWARD McGURRW Attorney and Counselor. Bolts 402-403 Atlas Building, " tiUkt City, UtA. : i j j BANKS ' : I -and- j BANKING. 1 BUTTE CITY. : j j . JOHN A. CREIGHTON, - President. i I GEO. W. STAPLETON, - Vice President. I T. M. HODGENS, - - Cashier. ' f State Savings Bank, ? , BUTTE, MONTANA. ' Transacts a General Banking Business. j ! Interest paid on deposits. Drafts paid ' ' in all parts of the world. j DIRECTORS: t John A. Crelghton, G. "W. Stapleton. A. H. Barret. E. D. Leavitt, S..V. Kemper, J. O. Hodgens. T. M. Hodgens. j I ! SALT LAKE CITY. WE STATE BANK OF UTAH. Commercial Banking in all its Branches. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Special attention given to country trade. Commercial National Bank. ; Capital Paid in, $200,000. General Banking in All its Branches. Directors Dr. Theodore Meyer, John J. Daly. O. J. Salisbury, Movlan C. Fox. Thomas Marshall, W. P. Noble, Georg M. Downey, John Donnellan, A. F. Hoi-den. ! WJeiis, favgo (go's Bank. Salt Lake City, Utah. Established 1852. ; Transacts a General Banking Business. J. E. DOOLY, Cashier. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. President. DR. F. S. BASCOM. Vice Pres. E. AV. WILSON, Cashier. , Bank of Commerce ATLAS BLOCK. Transacts General Banking Business " DIRECTORS: i J. A. Cunningham, Dr. F. S. Bascom. W. W. Chisholm, J. D. Kendall. Boyd Park, E. E. Rich, E. B. Critchlow. GEO. Q. DOYLE & CO. and Modern Plumbing House Heating XU Buth Stat Street. 'Phone, 151 j Salt Lako City. ; ' i |