Show 1 SENIORS ENJOY A DAY DAYi i Lengthy Program Is Participated Participated Participated In by Class and Members Members Mem Meni- bers of the Faculty The rhe third annual senior class day day held at aL tho the University L of ot Utah Friday afternoon proved d to lo be bc one ono of ot the brat bet entertainments tho the students of or the University have over er had At 11 1130 30 o'clock the tho seniors a assembled embed on the tho steps of or the tho Library building and marched to the Museum building Theother The Theother other classes had taken their places Inthe Inthe in inthe the hall hal and when the seniors seniors' In caps and gowns gown led lou b b. b President Snow and tho the girls marched up the thc aisle they were vere greeted with cheers The es were by I dent Snow Two musical numbers fol to- ml- ml lowed The Tue night Right Reverend Franklin Spencer Spalding made the hue address of oC the tho ho do day The opening lines JInes of oC his address ad nd- dross dress were As men have ha gained a I I conception of ot the greatness and holiness holi ness of God a a corresponding advance has been made In the estimate of oC Man Mat Continuing he hue said Human lI life Is the tho cheapest thing hung In the lie t world The com com- world orld has bf begun un to consider It cheaper than thuan the timbers of oC the mines mine Time The world Is gradually falling ailing back Into Inlo tho the old heathen spirit of ot group with the thc lots 1085 of oC Individuality and per per- Men 1 who are cultivated le seem to tt think that IL they aI are arc better than th the fellow t low not noL so 90 fortunate with the thc re result TO- TO suit sult that friends of oC one period arc are completely com coin forgotten tor In another TIle The program ram o of the day ilav was wa anti and 1 bv by string rill m con consisting of or Miss Crawford Miss no Ip J Thompson h Win J III n Vr nu Miss is n. n Allen i n itAr ansi and Ml Miss i ti 1 Miss J Grant address The nl ht He Spencer Spalding Lo cn and To lo a AVI Wild lid Id Rose ROBe hyde On Oil Away wa waA A Awake ako avid and Silent as Jack Jaek tuner Sun is hays nys At l t the he close chose of t the tho hf pro program ram the lie sen sen- Ion the thc deans of th this this' departments of ot the tue school and anui their thell w wives ives President and Mrs v I Mr nn and Mrs 1 Charles Charlo I B. B I Tun ford and the tue members wh who 0 nere on th the program attended I tt I crill envied luncheon Addresses Wr wore made auntie by Dr lr Merrill Dean s. s President nt and anti Mr Ir Hanford The crowning t fN feature of or th the da lay day wits the thc superb manner in lii which LouIse Louiso Lou Lou- ise iso Delane Inn danced time flip the native Jn H Hungarian dance un and Miss Maud hau L L' L Amp here the tile Spanish h tarn tam hen no |