Show J L EPHRAIM BRIEFS Republican Special Service Ser t p Ephraim April 9 Mrs Henry Deal of 41 r this thih city was given Iven a surprise yesterday yes yes- afternoon In honor of ot her hor birth birth- da lay day Mrs 1 Deal Beal yi was presented with a beautiful set of ot silverware Mr 11 Ir and Mrs I. I D. D Vorhees of or Mantl Manti returned from fron California Tuesday f where the they have havo been spending the past month on 00 their wedding tour A crowd of or 40 was assembled at their home Tuesday evening whore refreshments refresh refresh- ments vero served Mr Ir and Mrs VorI Vorhes Vor- Vor I uses hes will be at home to th their lr friends a after fter April 15 I. Mrs Soren Nelson of oC Mantl Manti was pleasantly pleasant surprised at her hor home yesterday yes yes- afternoon b by a crowd of oC her r relatives and friends s In honor of her hor birthday a Mr r. and arid Mrs J J. J W. W Cherl Cherry of Mt Plea Pleasant ant are alo guests at tho homo home of or Mrs If H. S. S I Korr orr of ot Mantl l Mrs Mis Air JC Bouley Boule Is homo home from Sa- Sa SaI I I Una Jina where she was called on account of or the tho Illness of ot Mrs l A. A J. J Lewis I Mr Ir and anti Mrs Alma Johnson of oC ran lilac t are ale receiving receiving- congratulations over o of a a. tino bab baby bo hoy- hoy on onto Miss Ann f 1 to remain 0 with her sister law V. V whoso whose l baby la to IlL Professor I P. P Ii E D. D Jensen of or logan and Andrew Jensen of ot Idaho Idalio wore were In Ia this V elt city attending the funeral of or their law lu w. w George Christensen was caned called to I Nepal Tuesday to attend the funeral I ur of his bin grandmother I Mrs V V. J. J Dunn of or Thistle is In tn Ephraim visiting with relatives and V friends r Mrs s A. A C. C NIelson sr or Is reported to toh tohA h ho hA with neuralgia of oC the stomach Mr 11 and IO Mrs Adolph Hanson are areV V home from a a. several days' days trip to tho the st state fo capital V Mrs Erast Erastus us has re returned returned re- re turned from Gunnison where she was called on account of the illness of or the i little child of ot Mr and Mrs rs Leonard V V Mr 11 and Mrs Thomas Peterson of oC their child Mantl tunU arc are In Ephraim with typhoid who Is suffering with nionia Salt SnIt SaltI front from Thomas Fonton returned H- H transacted business hush busi where he I Lake ake today Reef Reer interest o or of the Golden ness 8 In lii the Mining lUning company M. M II J. J F. F Murray Murra left leU for tor Marysvale M yesterday yes yes- es from rota an recovered reco Just having r. r compelled attack of oC la grippe which I leave heave hl his work him to returned to Childs Mrs lr Edward lidward yesterday after arter a ton ten days days' Gunnison V Visit to this city with her daughters au Little Mary tary Stevens entertained 7 afternoon at nt a a. birthday party parly p Monday Morida AL MV t. t Hermanson of this city Is contemplating con con- V auto auto- the purchase of ot an V mobile Is city this Dr Dl A. A J. J Nielson of or V Mrs Ir In iii Salt Sail acquaintances renewing old Lal Lake o this week of this city Is ex expected eX- eX Anderson Andelson James where from New York d home go merry roun o-roun V a has purchased J I he hie |