Show I i LEGAL NOTICES t OTICE NOTICE OF OP ASSESSMENT i SILVER COPPER COM COM- pany principal place of ot business Salt Sal Lake Lako City Utah Lk Notice Nutce Is hereby given Riven that at a meetIng meeting meet meet- ing of ot the board of directors of the Ze- Ze noll InS Silver Copper company held on the I bol Oth day of ot March 1909 an assessment t 2 2 cents cent per share was ws levied on the o outstanding capital stock of or tho the corporation p payable Immediately to Henry I. I Cobb secretary at the company's com corn pany's s office oce No 17 West S Second cond South street ran Salt Lake City Utah Any stock upon upun which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 2nd da day of April 1903 will be delinquent and advertised for or ortale wil tale Ialo at t auction and unless payment pay pay- ment I Is made before will wl be sold on the day of May Ma 1909 1209 at the hour of ot 12 1 o'clock noon to 10 pay the delinquent as as- as a- a together with the costs of ct ad ad ad- and expenses of ot sale HENRY I. I COBB conn Secretary Ix o of Of Ote floe 17 West 2nd South street Salt al Lake City Utah First publication ton March 1 st I 1909 9 9 NOTICE r p SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED for the tho purchase of nine nice one thousand dollar dolar 6 5 per cent year twenty-year munIcipal municipal pal bonds of City All Al bids must rut be delivered to the city recorder of ot eald city on or before April Apri H tho 1909 Th The city council counci reserves tho right to reject i alJ b bids ds j 5 i.- i. AND AD rUA nor l. l nn NO Consult Cleric or nr Respective Signers r for Further Info ton IN TILE THE TIE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO PHO- PIO- PIO bato bate Division in and ant for or Salt Sal Lake Lk county stalo of or Uth Utah Department I No i. i In the tho matter of ot the estate of ot Caroline deceased t. t Notice The Notice The petition petton of ot Benjamin T. T Briggs praying for the admission to probate of or a certain document purporting purporting pur pur- porting to be the tho last will 1 and testament test test- testa testa- ment of ot Caroline Briggs Brigge deceased and for the tho granting granUn of letters leters testamentary testa test test- to Benjamin T. T Brigge has been set for or h hearing on Friday the time da day of ot April Apri A. A A I D. D 1909 1900 at 2 o'clock p. p m. m at the county count court house In the court room of said court Utah In Salt Sal Lake City Salt Lake county the tho clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this day dayot ot of March A. A D. D 1909 MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Seal ClerIc Clerk By L. L P. P Palmer Deputy Clerk Brigham L Clegg Attorney for tor pet pet- Peti Peti- IN THE DISTRICT CURT COURT PRObate PRO PRO- bate hate Division In and for tor Salt Lake county state of Utah In the matter of ot tho the estate o of Peter C. C Cowling deceased Notice The Notice The of David E. E Cowling and Walter Cowling ex x cu n- n tors tore of ot the estate of ot Peter Pater C. C Cowling deceased praying for an order authorIzing authorizing author authur- izing the said Bald Utah Commercial Savings SayIngs Say Sav ings bank to pay to petitioners a sum of ot money for tor the purposes set forth In Bald eald petition petton and aut that all ll 1 persons In ln Interested In- In appear before the said court apper to show cause cuse why h an order olLar should nol be has ha's been set for heating healing on O Friday the day of April Apri A. A A D. D 1909 at t 2 o'clock p. p m. m at the county court house In the court room of Jt said sold COUI court In Salt SuIt Lake City Salt Sal Lake county Utah Witness the clerk of said aid court court with th the 8 seal 31 thereof affixed this thin da day of or Me March A. A A D. D 1909 1309 i MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk Clerk Sia By I- I L. L P. P Pa Palmer mer Deputy Clerk 1 Brigham Clegg Attorney for tor Pet Pet- Peti toner IN THE TIlE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO- PRO bate baie division In and for tor Salt al Lake Lak of Utah county State In the matter mater tate of at the thc estate ot of alter Walter Val Wal al ter Scott CIa deceased The Scot The petition of Leo Lo II I. I Claw- Claw eon and Spencer Clawson executors of ot the estate of at Walter aler Scott Scot Clawson Clawsen deceased praying for the settlement T of C f final account of said ld executors and I Ifor for the distribution of tho the residue of said estate to the persons entitled hasl has 1 l been set for rot hearing on Friday the tho day of April Apri A. A A D. D I 1909 at 2 4 court house I o'clock p. p m. m at the thc county count court room of said ald court In I f in Hi the L il Milt Salt Sl Lako le City Salt I Lake Lako ako county Utah tho the clerk of ot said 1 court COUTt with tho the seal seat thereof affixed this 1st let day or of f April A. A D. D 1909 1309 I Apri MARGARET ZA ZANE E R. R Clerk Seal Clerk Seal n Lc L. P P. Palmer Deputy Deput Clerk v By Young Toung oun L Moyle lole Attorneys for tor Peti Poti- Pet Pet- ii 0 nez iN DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRObate PRObate PRO- PRO TILE THE bate IN TIE dh division Islon In and for tor Salt Sal Lake S State of Utah I Ca county count In the I-hO matter mater ot of the estt estate of at WIlham Wll- Wll U II Imes deceased ham V rhe 1 The petition pelton of or Elizabeth Holmes of or orte Ellen Ellon Elen Holmes d deceased the estate of William leasel te the settlement of final account ac ac- for or praying count ol or said executrix and for the distribution distribution dis dis- of ot the residue of said estate estate entItled also for tor discharge dla- dla the Persons to executrix has been set for tor charge hargo of or Friday the day of or I hearing hering April I A. A on D. D 1909 at ai 2 u o'clock p. p i m m. m. m at atthe atthe county A court hou house In the court courtroom courtroom th the room of slid said court In Salt Lake City toom county Utah Lake Uth Salt the clerk of ot said eald court with Witness affixed this SOth day dayot the seal thereof March A. A D. D 1909 ot of Irh A MARGARET ZANE WITCHER WITCHER Cleric GierK Seal BylL By I- I P. P Palmer Der Deuty Clerk C C. E. E Marks Attorney for tor Petitioner COURT PUO- PUO DISTRICT bate IK If INTHE THE Division In and for tor Salt Sal Lake LakeS County State ot of Utah the matter S of the tho estate of Josephino Josephina In mater Deceased ot of Tho LEGAL NOTICES Brown administratrix of the estate of or Josephine deceased pra praying pray pray- log ing for tor the Iho distribution o of the residue of or InS said estate to lo the persons entitle 1 has hns been set for or hearing on Friday Frida Limo 2 r day of ot April Apri A. A A D. D 1909 at 2 o'clock p. p m m. m at the tho county count court house houseIn In the time court room of ot said court In Salt Lake City Salt Sail Sai Lake Lako Ike County Count Utah Ulah with Witness the Iho clerk of said court the the seal thereof affixed this day of ot April Apri A. A A. A D. D 1909 M RGARET I ZANE WITCH WITCHER ER Seal Sal Clerk Hv L. L L P. P Palmer Deputy Clerk Ud Edwards Smith Price Attorneys for or Petitioner IN TilE THE TiE DISTRICT COURT PRO PRO- bate bat Division In and for Cor or Salt Sl Lake county state of Utah Utah In the matter mater of nf tho the estate of nr Wll- Wll 1 lam Ham Henry i Hopkinson deceased Notice The Notice Tho Tho petition petton of Annie Perkins Perkins Per Per- kins praying praying for the Issuance to herself herself her her- self of ot letters of ot administration In the estate stat of William Henry deceased has been set net for hearing on Friday the day of ot A. A D. D 1909 at 2 o'clock p. p pm p.m. m. m at tho the county court house In the thc court room o of said cour court In Salt Sai Lake Lako City Salt Lako Lake county Utah Witness the clerk of or said court with Ih the seal thereof affixed this day of or March 1909 MARGARET ZANE ZA E WITCHER Seal Clerk Clark Seal By L. L L P. P Palmer Deputy Deput Clerk Matt Malt Thomas homas Attorney for Petit Pet Pet- Peti- Peti t I 0 n er toner IN TIlE THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO- PRO bate Division In and for tor Salt Sail Sal Lake Lako count county state stale of Utah Uth In the tho mailer mater of the thc estate of ot Patrick Patrick Pat Pat- rick Kervin deceased Notice The Notice The The petition Detton of Minnie Halley Hal Hal- l Icy ley y K Kervin administratrix with the will wi anne annexed ed of at tho the estate of ot Patrick Kervin deceased praying for tor an nn order of ot sale of ot real property properly of ot said ent enl and that nil all nl persons persona Interested appear before the said Bald court to show dhow cause why an order should not be granted to sell sel so much as shall be bP necessary of ot the following described real estate of said deceased wit to The west hal half of ot lot 2 2 In block 34 plat B Salt Sal Lake City survey sune also the west vest 21 n 12 1 feet feel of the east 2185 12 5 12 r the feet et of ot the south 1121 feet o of lot 2 2 In block 77 plat A Salt Sit Lake Lako City su sur sur- vey all situate In Salt SaIL Lake City and county al state slate of Utah Ulah has been set tet et for hearing on Friday the Iho day of ot April A. A D. D 1909 at 2 o'clock p. p m. m at atthe tho the Apri county count court house in the tho court courtroom courtroom room of or said sid court In Salt Sal hake City Salt Lake county Utah Ulah Witness the clerk of ot said fald court with wih the seal eal thereof affixed this 1st day of April A. A D. D 1909 Apri RET MARGA-RET ZANE WITCHER Clerk Clork Seal Clork By L. L P. P Palmer Deputy Clerk Clork Edward McGurrin Attorney for or Petitioner Pe Pe- ii t io no C. C i IN THE DISTRICT COURT counT PRObate PRO- PRO bato bate division In and for Salt balt Lake Lako county state tale of or Utah Ulah c In the matter mailer of ot the estate of ot Niels M. M I. I Lundberg deceased Notice The Notice The The petition of Ellen Elen L. L L Lundberg administratrix of at the estate of Niels M. M L Lundberg deceased praying praying pray pray- ing for the settlement of or final account Jt if f InS said administratrix and for or the distribution distribution dis dis- 18 of the residue of ot said estate estale to the persons entitled has hal been set sol for or hearing on Friday the day of or orAnd April And A. A D. D 1900 at 2 o'clock p. p m. m a at the Hie county count court house in 1 me too te court courtroom courtroom room of said court court In Salt Lake Lako City Salt Lake county count Utah Witness the tho clerk of or said court with the Viness seal thereof affixed this 3rd day of at te A April A A. D. D 1909 MARGARET T ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk Clerk Seal By y I I. I L. L P. P Palmer Deputy Deput Clerk B n Clegg Attorney for Petitioner COURT PRO PRO- IN EN THE TIlE DISTRICT PIO- PIO bate division in 1 and for tor Salt Sal Lake Lako of ot Utah Uth county State Uth In the matter mater of or tho the estate of ot Aley Alley P. P deceased of L. L R. R Martineau Marti Martl- The NotIce The The petition petton 1 n Mart Mart- neau praying for tho ho Issuance to himself himself him him- self of oC letters of nr administration in inthe I estate of or Alley P I Martineau de de de- the lie Ale ceased t has be boon bean n set sot for fOI hearing on Friday the he I day cf Ct April Apri A. A f 1 D. D 1909 Ia 1 at 2 o'clock p. p m. m at th the county court house hous In the court room zoom of or said court In Salt Sal I. I Lake Lako lo CI City Salt Sal Lake county coun Utah Ulah WItness the clerk of ot said court court with the seal thereof tw affixed this let lat day dayot ot of April A. A D. D 1919 Apri MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Clerk Seal Clerk By ny L. L P P- Palmer Deputy Clerk O. O W W. 1 Moyle Iole Attorney Attorn for Petitioner IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRObate PRO PRO- bate division In and for tor Salt Lake bate of ot Utah county state stale Uth In the matter of the estate and nd guard of Inez Menan Mellen minor Notice The Notice The petition of ot Joseph IL H. Mellon Mellen The the tho guardian petton of the person peron and and the lelen estate of ot Inez mci Mellen Melen minor pray pray- ln r for tOT an nn order of ot sale salo of rea reef real properly property prop prop- arty erly of at said minor and that all al persons parsons Interested appear before lh the eald said court show cause apper why an order should hould to lo to sell HO ito much as shall shan not be granted sel 01 of or the tho following described be bo necessary real estate of ot said minor to It to wit An undivided two fifteenths two Int cst In i LEGAL NOTICES and t to commencing commencing 66 feet teet south of the northwest corner of ot lot five block 99 plat A Salt Lake City survey running thence south 49 1 feet teet thence east cast 99 feet thence north feet reet thence west 99 feet to place of or beginning beginning begin begin- ning together with and subject to a aright aright right o of way commencing feet reet south fouth of or the tho northwest corner o of lot five t e. block 99 plat A A Salt Sal Lake CI City survey SUTtY running thence south 8 S feet reet thence east 99 feet reet thence north S 8 feet teel thence west vest 99 feet reet to place of beginning has been set for tor hearing on Friday the da day of ot April Apri A. A D. D 1909 at 2 o'clock p. p in I. I at the county count court house In the court room of or said court In Salt SoH Lake CI City Salt Si Lake county count Utah Witness the clerk lerk o of said aid court with wih the seal teal thereof affixed this da day of or April Apri A. A D. D 1909 MARGARET ZA ZANE E WITCHER Seal Seal Clerk D By L. L 1 P. P Palmer Deputy Deput Clerk Stewart Stewart A Attorneys tornes torne's for or Guardian IN THE TIlE DISTRICT COURT PHO- PHO bate division In and for tor Salt Lk Lake count county State Slate of ot Utah In the tho matter mater o of tl time tho estate of ot Gustave Gustave Gus- Gus tave Nielsen sometimes known as Gustavo Gustave elsen deceased Notice The Notice The Tho petition pellon o of George Al Albert Albert Albert Al- Al bert Nielsen praying for the Issuance to hImself of or letters leters of or administration 1 1 n time the tie estate of Gustave Gustavo Nielsen sometimes sometimes some some- times known as Gustavo Gustave Gusto f dec deceased deceased de de- de- de c ceased aBed has been set for tor or hearing on n I Frda Friday the day do of ot April Apri A. A A D. D 1909 at nt 2 o'clock p. p m. m at al tho the count court ourt house In time the lle court room at said ourt In Salt Lake Cf City Salt Laki Lkc county Utah Witness the time cleric of or said court court with the he seal thereof affixed this 2nd day tay of or April Apri A. A D. D 1 1009 09 MARGARET ZANE ZAN WITCHER Seal Clerk Seal Clerk By L. L L P. P Palmer Deputy Clerk Benjamin I. I 1 Rich Booth Lee Le Badger Attorneys for Petitioner I IN IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO- PRO I bate bato Division in and for Salt Lake county state of ot Utah Utah Department No 1 0 In the matter of tho the estate of Sophia I Taylor Nuttall deceased Notice Time Notice Tho Tho petition pelton of ot William Wilam T. T Nuttall praying for the admission to I probate of ot a certain certin document purporting pur- pur porting to be tho the last will wi and testament testament testa testa- testa ment merit of Sophia Taylor Nuttall Nutal deceased de do- ceased and for tor the granting of ot letters leters testamentary to William Taylor Nuttall Nuttall Nut Nut- i tall lal and Fred W. W Taylor Taylor has been set net i ifor for Cor hearing on Friday tie tho h slay day tay of at April A. A nJ D. D 1909 at 2 o'clock p. p m. m mo moat at the county court house In tho the court courtroom courtroom courtroom room of ot said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county count Utah Uth Witness the clerk of at said court court with th the seal thereof affixed this day of ut March A. A D. D 1909 MARGARET ZANE NE WITCHER Seal Seal Clerk Clerk By L. L 1 P. P Palmer Deputy Clerk John M. M Cannon Attorney for tor Petit Pet Pet- Peti Peti- I t toner I 0 ncr I IN INTHE THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO- PRO bate bato |