Show STREET RAILROAD WORK BEING RUSHED THROUGH Republican nt Special Service o Ogden m A April J Operation J lion on the various arlous street car extensions b by lh th the Ogden Rapid Transit company are 10 beIn being be be- hug ing In pushed with vl vigor or n By Monday night tho the Twenty Twenty-luth street extension extension exten exten- sion shon of a block and a half will wIlt be tidied as ns far as grading Is Ie concerned antI and will be rea ready y for Cor tho the Imme Immediate ln te laying of tho the tics nCI and rails Tho The anti and wires are already In place A force torce of oC 75 men are arc hard hanl at nt work worl on the Five e Points Improvements This lowering 10 of tho hit track l Is being done In anticipation of or tho the Plain City extension and will eliminate a considerable consid consid- erable grade Jrade at nl that point Th Thie canyon work vork Is la al also u pro progressing rapidly r a full force of men being employed employed em 10 on the various Jobs This Thin blasting histing Is not nol yet et over but the grade grado rad between the tho mouth of oC the canyon on anti and Billy Dilly Wilson's Wilsons place IB in rapidly nearing completion |