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Show HE INTER-MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1909. 8 ENTERTAIN MANY =" Seana Se G. A. R. Encampment Rec lie il cond) VAS Come | yrurconscious S oh e Commercia : ankin new that but the end feat: was near apparently: 3.2, "Alluding to "the ap nce h of Good Filday, he sald: "I deI enter with serenely Christ." | His last wort ix were mittees. Arrange g Work of Caring for Veterans. m Seay The various committees of the wo . New white h Lake of Salt organization men's 70,000 | velous the in. entertaining assist will and | BPP ortous departments. lub buildir me nex jarge of- | works opening Commercial But Mond here the was was was had ‘ boyhood Italy. as English ni finlac hin tanght asLs a = ruagres, in littl he 0 his eINE | been 2 mntal ewe ane now rill aa is of spent he he He *¢ 3 e s Our Sec ecurit da churche ehildren sked to bloom in of the and encampment, the schools of the and othe ° izations, and their parents will plant flowers y ) he August correspondent He w ill outh his a pr bation officer { apital of ke the ‘ ; 12. . t to ( : . _ : apital, Surmi 10.00 parvery of much. Contraction. ferniooy. sho hal een ie _ 7 = = ae in Allahab: Mr. le aie o ment Other committees receiving the various izations of the Granc work lll be in line with committees In ri) -| appointed iclude In the he A }the higher|.o,° | } = arara Bernhardt, ernhardt GOING TO BE WED IS Inher ‘ister of the bride-to-be pier to meet Priaggreom-to-to Palace Liong a Ge ‘ era delinquency \ question would Beare: in utah.-rEalte stot eM tl elie ipsa eta FEE uss In the|in was produced n Paris thes ate that plane n consequence Nels Paulson, who At Ne a 9 et ee CAR ee ah ary Od i ane teeeant te every ; Ol) Re PERE on} per-| cielo to late last eht Bae Mr. J * Pau vi eit today to ittend th brothe "1 w tt oe woman trial and o e 2 First in no bring tim eltet statement ae to the bullet of Pesgare rey rive. out giv out of all iz e : Sutstthas pre geri af tect A shat ze rot <a > : naree ‘ Mr. Paulson x fired by him rer il io ‘yesterd ve few: ST. R DINNE i | IN SEWER i ATTER Attorne Hamm for Georgia aa Distriet Attorne Gilbert for the state iad held tense the bigge Sof fence the old court. house. : W It a a ---------- tN hi for gether necessary reply. to Bie latter w be ore OUR BARGAIN oe aici hoc audience . CUTS Tan aA . the condition the total displacement) mainl was of women t the Campbell Building Company |#!ong u single plane often becomes | great day, and so e e an thelr . enormous. One of these great fault eS-| best.. Ma culirity, dull "hued, was comWill Probably Allow Its carpments extends along the western] pletely obscured face of the Wasatch mountains from | Judge Rich, yan few words, Contract to Go. Nephi an the south to Willard on the] | charged the jury, vivins them to sift nerth n the vicinity of Salt Lake|the evidence care ft a vy and not tobe ---- City It passes along the bencl lan ds!swaved by s\ mpat} y in rriving at a| Noi for jotfon:, was-ltal : tin just behind Fort Douglas, it swi Oo} verdict oard of public works Fr faa ir thie the northwest along the foot) ils ind | : ndinc es ae : a communicati¢ sending eat" t the line | along north cen Dee en to the ; ' . bell Building ‘ 5 eDance at Sa j tonight Hot springs | rmEP springs 7 tee and examinations 27° , Soo oy y siyfear perd-to ic + pe" mora indefinite aia cre i Vanderbilt and Heir nt Ace was es ee 7 res : F rul rolding out with n the counell to the Campbell the af notes Bulli that, too, of no AY se y 1 eet 9. Syieine ne compan ti not known what mouth of the l tremel aad a. Reta 1 eed Ti step Will. be taken, but t wa re the faultine a i oanlea thantovir ao ahem ported vesterda that there was a like of ten to fft fie L ntil " ‘ ; rf fae Mise | ihood of the compan allowing *t springs to the Glads INTanAeTe aie At oles t . th, work to be taken out of its hand disturbance Was | Jats ( apne 1s \ a ehiea- nat a Ns to a due to this cause |}equally as gre: The seismie activity] dé 4. Read eat 0 vith he husbanRa ( vis | The second ge aor pare foree, that of | gener: ated by this throw has likely not | Se WEEE ist nd 2 rr a isit. t |NORDBERG NEGLIGENT IS m«movemen ; : thhe main, a 7 éa parallel rhe . ' ae sp | crustalal. re-|had in historic timeses. Ts) i¢ nercae mother Sie me young ee son, ‘i | -sponsible for iietthedces e) tending | writer has elsewhere' stated that mother i as ol A, with his grand CORONER JURY VERDICT Saas travel to Sere is too "Ee there of this occur a re petitien Francisco| should San The areas, large lover jearthquake, which was set up by this| would not be a_hen house left standing] 014 the count wh oa _ aA As the result of the coroner's inquest jcause, was recorded in considerable |in Salt Lake City ; : ASK NO Was Asner | yester . ath of A No detall as far away | Is a repetition likely to come? This = xt 4 inter ross ne aay he = cn 3} berg yas k > n the Ore } A word in We cannot answer; it may and it maj ; : | sine last Wednesday : | ails erustal earth's | not luman history is so brief In cree PMs will ie It Vi count | d v t asec |aurface is receiving f two|comparison with the time in which ne Nei sean ons us anderbilt, x S, \V °° e g t e bl a es, o E es 2 uSCIOUS 7 t a E pennis Moreton set Detect obert ] d hh fF err ra e ave ec ; compan tive e5 action of theticcounneil ‘Thuy aay 11 ‘ t in termin fing the"trial" contract entered into la Januar Members of the board. of Dablit works ecording Ito Chairman H. G. Me MIL un; of. the board, Frida nigh ad the matter under discussion tn an informal man ner esterday M MeMIU)lz sald 1 Leaves, night was not t reg ‘Vat: mei tin night. of the board however nd the In matter had not been. forme ally acted won ~ - it movement, and (Continued Bont Page One.) | kentle type Near the eee nee | Cottonw aod canyons }sults 6 extreme aisas ter over compar- | show dis splacement jatively ial! are Some of the most | feet Ne ar the Hot violent ¢ arthousies on record were|north of the oy the tater the. mode thee, inworld/ow connection wit ther is TANT of. the | Tnformink' Ane fring ell, ia president Hungary. s much cz ye sald, howeve EARTHQUAKES HERE| that 1 compicte evidence: cxista of vers| ther h verything EASTER fe D for | e icac i es an DINNER } CHAPIN'S FACE ASTRINGENT 3 Skin the Makes a Firm and Holds FOR the ss Powder. SALE BY il Deal in Toilet Al CRREES, 2m ee LVODBE-PITTS DRUG Distribators. smc OUR oy seve fully of diapli acement ical ithe authors oar: 1m: atizin g by produced his ps urtly eoninis ted nove The om ur- | mile rt oe 1ust ral a ye ht = at thro unparaltlec aimos ums 4 he whi upon Sword the vest at work when Mme. Bernl rat ania result of a aingle tle it 1s with out her request. Instead of a novel, he|@oubt made up of innumerable smaller | produced a play and achieved the amaval t} : . | bition of his lite vee ! asatch faulling mae As a mark of recognition of hi rit-|/2° eine SY a h other than in t ra Lee on current topics the Mor eur | most .Beners eet ae cae Halal 12 | prize and a gold medal was bestowed Beet ae ge Te upon him by the French academy ne ld-geologi | ----- | Ao Important Question. |For mer Miss Saltair tonight, train at 8 } nae more important question to u --_--_+~» + how is this Will there be more Her Son sulting along ti line I 18 rey ts | CHANCE OF HAVING "were iu ant‘Yada' the spirits. - Benes wrote; ments Tale], When once a plane of weakness ha been established, {tt becomes easier for subsequent ee ae to take pla Colonel Frank M. Sterre King," "Arethus" and the it ‘icy | director for the encampment or Hope." Many of his , have the women that they are expected tO! been translated to other manage the affairs of thelr organiza- | The novelist had ma tion as they see fit ulthough if re-|that if he could write quested, he will gladly eu infor| would be pees happy His "Palace mation or sugestions regarding the/of the King as dramat and | work prov ed a success ut il we 1 surprise ---- 2 -----__-_ ven to his friends wher the one pla eee his pen, "Francesca da R nj | for expressly n Persie had he wh ich LANGHORN MISS PRETTY Every- | r am. of course be married? body knows that." This was the prampt | ang- | Nore Miss pretty that answer horn gave to all questioners as 1€/ came up the bay today on the Canard! Mauretania. Near' by was her fiance,; Paul Phipps, who came over on the} same ship. His mother was Miss Jessie Butler Duncan of this city, and he will stay at his grandfather's house, | No. 1 Fifth Sarat while in town } Miss Langhorn as chaperoned b ber siater, Mrs Regin: uld ee ind! Mr. Brooks, They were all met at he = er by Mrs. Charl Dar Afeaon is eeri novel Mr Isaacs f.ater "Dr. Claudius To Leeward h onely Parisl AY Politician nd other work |: of tomtehiont vatideredt x sae James L. M ilone Thur a and wlth watts oRetoey + a aren wedee ce direction. t ‘ iss , isv > = ia , thee a fondaT RMeTe fet ers }due In toconsequence the contraction ‘YOUNG WIFE ACQUITTED ~ cooling the of surface h iyn Reily and Mrs. Eliz 2 A i: one" R n : fered profound crumpling aaar figsurOF CHARGE OF MURDER s vill have charge of the W to ¢ thene erasie hes pi The ne hie 1@ eltwent ae = ; taes eee Se owners home the teresting r (Continued ‘from, Page One.) adornment for floral in plans lawns phew red and yel » daug of Gen| I am gald, Georgia T hope you will ‘ the G R., predominating da y Vv vere I marhas b nm gi i . 7m he rebe happy with. your deat parents The A stantinople, anny a year » the slip ces ace W é Then, through a double line of friend solici natiGna to turnis en nas yer e he } aX Near td , ) thereafter they spen aa eful ox and distant relatives and spectators sandwiches at dalvision parade, and the comn ne Herald fe _ et or even a few Inches are suf-/} tions and kind words, she hurried out rooms will provid } " | ficie a to cau great devastation Atl into the snow At the jail there was | Publishes Elrst Novel. times this slipping, or fal fg extends]; or levee bef the Allyns startea ve fore he | iste condi tion Tetra Tae Seb i quest of The Republican, It having lteved that Professor Pack ews temperature is than at prese nt Consequence rhe pros dspe et for Ww rapid ++ | every recover encouraging uraing end' the obese "In ten ast sechbertinood' as? Ae. . was nnael ot wiftterine + | for the bullet Aer acy cmnraetpinee ic paket Unlese ome Co se nl wtinan ate ' eS ; Mt a alge ; f ; D one ccd rt + ens wa t considered serious or i : es goes iy ; ¥ in Denver,| who resides . Paulson, HH He OFF Fos Hoot et toe 44oes | wos Informed by telegraph of the aftein' = ; a oe oe in; been a r had his br ee ave at yesterday egraphed ane lhe | 4: : anietore ‘ would leave on the 5 o'clock train. | one Sta "it Pm ral becene © Late yesterday afternoon mK . Paulson ity reat In peace : f vas again nose by telegraph that re eross the river f we eve r reach 1it 5 ; no in. w brother | by article ote restine® (The CBee | Professor Pack was written it the re condi tion, and "tl hat it : depositors. | | $200,000.00 < _~ ar $50,01 Surplus + x$:|aa wa |.as =. t . conservative ere -afford ample = ; ( ents again took him to."Ttaly and he pursued a course of ly at Rome, which greatly aeliehtad Tite Then he/ spent some aga ions of country life, and I ar v i s colto Trinity he wa St. Paul's for the officers of the organiza-| ind BomAt Pcunienicy re, Cambridge : » ve s studies »rof the important committees for ‘ ontin F os wh ne ; ae and te which work was lald out yesterday 1s| word hehe traveled extensively made > J = the / wer mittee Thes = women)|q study of the Orlental tongues. He lanOriental of study his continuied preparatheir begin. tneat ndlate ly will tions for tl wer of flowers On| guages while acting as a newspaper later Large and plus - : Divectorate as [Italian botl pore eo : well oke oe Guia tle yn One Parade through the accounts l manutacturers, re Q Vhen com Young, >T8 : . r We soheit merchants, s : Vatican the adorn novelist said to future are the school attend to enough old the, under be transacted MT where H school. N. taken presi-| Jones, H. eeeMrs x C.Vv. Stocking, secre-|a pupil to inConcord, St. Paul's which suite he v« dec D and ee tary. A sieansd ee mar was not It Italy. loved Atrange-| was sculptor of note and some of is |If societies and individuals. |f} +‘ for the nnpleted ‘wome n in ere ents fines or the i ienig aire Cc an r # Novelist Loved §9.-It April York, Crawford that Mr. net a ee ieerca he oF S met the} parentage he firstiraesaw Ree the tinue light ot ° " August on tee di Bagnl at day afte pao" yesterday Cr iwfore Thomas father Hijs work | 1854 important the nez ne d club Commercial rtioned £ Pectoral is a medicine for coughs and colds, a regular doctor's medi| cine. Use Use Ie Ask your. doctor if this is not good a advice. Zowei ines. Victim of Shooting Is WithWell-Majass ## Standing Shock Hall, her a tiny little Helens,and + of Pretty barely . + erin Sr Gnihal ore b Othe! were + lone Being Held. |}4 taken from their mother, a ++ Mrs. Mrs,A Jonei by yesaterda all: tha until within a few hours | SURE TO SURVIVE, | esp teareines coughing "Stop tt Ayers, Cherry lite ne he age ol San Supe Cg [Stet [anes ARE RESCUED |PAULSON ALMOST escES!WAY wv rravy WOMEN PLAN TO" sources. ¢ z00ds. CO. By far om the sun from the earth ippear to be y the earth is s that in remo ater part com nature has to do her work that gen- lerations May pass away between two | successive disturbances Further, the recent disturbance may be the final one Yr, again, others may be vet be{fore us and perhaps not remotel dis- | Men's and a e latter's ho at y- ovenih | Street and Firth, "avenue . Saltair tonight, dancing excursion -----x7">>-___-_-_-_ Dance at Saltair tonight by the company rules, and that Gane ductor J. 1 Browning, who was running the engine at the time, was also negligent for having been on the engine without authorit ° Five Paones 2 LW. -24 WwW. 2 9 Ist So ° Men's "Chesterfield" Suits arries you by easy stages from the extreme to the most dignified, conservative styles, in both pattern effects and models. Whichever end you favor, we meet your ideas adequately here Price of Suits, $18 and Up Our Manhattan Shirts for this season are beautiful, coat style and pleated with attached cuffs, in rich color combinations, $1.50 and Up Our Neckwear By Wc. 80Tr Cae and Fancy Hosiery display is authentic in color and pattern lf You Want to Know What the Right Styles Are- ASK GRAY'S |GRAY BROS. & CO.,258 S. Main St. |