Show OD MINE HAS GREAT Large Owner Takes Partners Partner's Interest In Milling Prospect Time The interest of oC II C. C Schmidt of at Tonopah in the Gold Sight Mining compan company com corn pan pany represented b by shares has hns ins just been sold to his hlA partner M. M T T. T Rowland of or Central City Nebraska for tor or Closing of or the time deal was Quick quickly followed b by increased activity on n the time company's property which bears all 11 of or the tho earmarks s of ot a gigantic gold milling proposition Time The property is isn In n the range four miles from Eden and six miles from Silver Sliver flow Dow The rho work already dono done consists principally of at three tunnels driven onas on onas ons as s man many different levels The Tho mountain moun- moun tam ain tain is very er steep and amid the time lowest loest tunnel tunnel tun tun- nd nel taps the time lcd ledge o at a depth of feet This tunnel Is 36 feet teet In length Time The ledge Is thirty five o toot foot wide at tho ho point of or Intersection In that Immense Immense Im Im- im- im mense manse ore are body arc many stringers strinGer of or hl high grade h oro oro much of which of-which which would yield Mold Into time the thousands and ten feet of ot it are arc considered of oC a milling grade Shipments could be ma made a from tho time hl hugh s h The rime ledge Is between a a. contact of oC rhyolite and birds bird's eye Contract has been lot to sink a 1100 00 feet deep from the time foot toot level and it is the intention to run drifts on he tIme le hedge Jo on two levels Mr Rowland Is a man of or large largo means and has wealthy wealth associates In he time East Ho lie made a fortune In Alaska several everal years ago selling a copper property for tor |