Show fESTI FESTIVAL At CHORUS TO TO APPEAR IN APR APRIl Hiawatha and The Messiah Messiah Messiah Mes Mes- siah Now in Preparation by Many Musicians ns Tho llie F Festival chOt chorus under tinder th the direction I tion ton of or Pro Professor ol St Stephens Is now no hard horl hardat at work on omi on th ml music lc to for l' l tho time festival next neSt April The flu chorus n meets In Ill tho thc Y Y V 1 M. M C C. A. A auditorium every ery Monday UI t nJ devotes two ho hours lr to Hla fla and The jio Messiah Tho F rp s- s i trill wH wi do J the time Hiawatha at nt time tho th festival t aJ and amid all will bo 10 nU augmented l bytho by hr tho time Tabernacle choir in ut giving The The Messiah which require a 0 largo large 1110 chorus The Symphony lr lrI which leh h baa hs been Ill I'll to I engaged will trill willbo wIl bo ho under time flu direction of or Alexander Von Vort T I The Tho 11 soloists L will wil also come from flom Chicago o. o 1010 Following aro are time the members of or tIme the Festival thul chorus who have been h by time the music C committee SOPRANOS S' S Anderson Mrs rs Kato Kalo ato B. B Alder Aider AlIer Miss MI May Anderson Mrs A. A V V. S Bush Miss Leah Leah Miss Annie t Bayliss Miss Emma Boyers Mr Mrs Julia Jula Benedict Mrs IrR Sadie T. T Branning Miss Lillian Crompton Mrs S S Davis ls Miss g Esther Lher Duray Dury Mrs 19 M r. r L. L L Evans Miss Miss- Edna S Evans E Miss Ivy Miss C. C Felt Fol Miss Vera A. A FItzpatrick Miss Kathleen F Fenton Miss Norma NOlma r Fletcher r Miss Iss 4 Addle Fletcher Flelcher Miss le Miss I Katherine atherine S Grant Gram Miss I s Florence Florenco S Grant Miss ls Edith Goodman Mrs frs M. M 1 D. D Miss Minnie Miss Emily S I sch Miss D. D INICh Miss 1 K FC S 1 Harris Mrs MIs C. C O. O Hudson Miss Lillian rilan Hart Mrs Ir O. O C. C Harris Miss Iss Corinno Corinne Jennings Miss Edna Jones Miss WInona Jones Miss Lillian Johnson Miss Stella Stena I IJ E. E J Jones on Mrs Fred Free B. B Miss Eleanor King ICing Mrs r Martha B. B r Kelly cl Miss Is Irene IrenC I Kelly Relly el ells Miss ls Gertrude Kirkman Mrs Ir Lucy Kirk Mrs Mis Irs Mabel P P. P I Kimball Mrs Millie S. S Kelly Miss Cora Lawson Miss Prissie Lev Levy Mrs L Lou u. u Lowenstein Miss s Ella BUt Midgley Miss Mis Bertha Mcintyre Miss Hope Maynes Miss Edith Muir Miss Louie S Morse Miss Leanora Morris Miss Ida Idao OConnor O'Connor Miss Martha Osbo Osbourne rne Miss 1 s Isa Isabel el 1 Mrs r A. A S. S S Price Miss Thalia Poulton Miss Stella Poulton Miss S Miss Nellie Nettie Pugh puh Miss Jessalyn n I Luc uc v v S Proul Prout Miss Eleanor f i ru cn Miss Sa Sarah roh I M 1 f. f r Ruh Miss S I R Redman Miss 19 Renn S Read Head Miss Gertrude 8 Sawyer Miss 18 J Jennie nn Ie Miss I R Margaret Miss Minnie Mrs Mr O. O I. I I Shaw Show Miss Zorn ora Smith Miss Winifred Snow Miss JS Wetzell Mrs W. W A A. A on Miss Ruth vl Miss Bessie Beside v tarl N Vl lS s Elsie ln Miss lt dance Clarice S Williams Miss t he p rJ Mrs Irs hula Lula Iula M. M f. f Wood Mrs lr nah Surah Young Miss Iss Bernice ALTOS AITO Miss 88 Pearl Braby Brab Miss Sadie Cooper Miss lIss Mabel Cia Clayton y ton Miss tt iss HS ml Mrs Vic Yc S Mrs Irs 1 r e. e Mrs s Dagmar Colam Miss H Cusworth Miss ls Beth BeLh Coddle Miss I s Mary Miss S Cope Cop Miss Della Delia S Iss DeJa Ja Duls he Miss s I Leo iio Do De Arms lm Miss 1119 S Daniels MI Miss H Sarah Sall on Miss Iss el S Davison MI Miss s Florence c. c S Hills Ellis gis Miss U Edna Ellna Foster M Miss I s I HC Goddard Mrs rs I L. L I 1 J. J I Godbe Miss 1 Edith I h. h Harle Harley Miss MIM Margaret Harmon lr Mrs G. G huh Holt Hol Miss 8 Claudia CIC Hollberg Miss Emma Imma Johnson Mrs J. J A. A Jones Miss Vinona I Jacol Jacobson on Miss Kingdon Mr Mrs Minnie G. G Horne Home Miss R. R l I Leaver aver Mrs 1 E. E F. F Morris Miss ISM Edna i S 0 S McPherson Miss Elizabeth th c McAleer Mrs drs G. G W. W lc lt Mrs Allen Nelden Mrs S. S O. O 5 S Osbourne Miss Miss' Am Amy Peabody Mrs A. A IL ILP P Penrose nrose Miss Lula LuJa S Miss Bess Bess S Rogers Miss Mise Ethel S Ramsey Miss Jessie Ho Rogers ers Miss Aura t Raleigh Miss Nettle I Miss s Randolph Miss Harriet Robinson on Miss LI Lizzie S. S Miss lichen Helen Rend Read Miss Lillian Sanders Mrs Emma Kinnia J. J Miss Lillian Spry Mrs Sam v S vl Miss 15 Clarice Chance T Spaulding Mrs C. C W. W Smith Miss Virginia lnla Stark Slark Miss Mau Maud S Miss L Lydia J. J IS I Wallace Miss I Su Susie Susie- i rr Miss I hazel Hazel Webley Miss Alice I Yearsley Mrs Gertrude 1 S 5 Young Miss Ema Emma Elma S TENORS rEXOnS T T. T Abbott S. S A. A p Aubery V S A. A Arnold Alston Angus vr II S Barber D. D N 55 Bowers J. J D. D r Ji w Brain Albert Alhert tf Brain In R. R T 1 oo 5 5 John t 4 i Brown R. R George C 4 nt nr Ivor or vor ri r I i I Ed S Evans E James J iV S Fuller FullerS FullerS' W. W t W. W 0 t 1 Crowton Croton Ch Charles iii y Fowler Fowier Ja Janus K jK Jr JI t j. j S Holman H II 1 3 ji f S J. J S 5 Hal ht J. J B. B A. A S C I Iod lodge R. R Hodge 0 T. T 41 I J Jensen Jenson W. W C. C C. C i Henry J Livingston Arthur I Lester W. W J. J h Joseph W V. c n ph n. If II I Morton William Wilam A A.- A. Andrew w. w S Oster 0 OIt n. n J Ji S. S Olson 1 Mr S I A Peters A. A S. S Z t S S 0 Phillips W. W v. v D. D 1 T i J f f Pierce Clifton Pierre E. E E J II J. J 5 Reynolds Willard lar S Rich Arnold S Spry pr Sa m 11 5 S S 0 O. O i. i I. I C. C J E. E O jJ 5 John Jului S rt V. W V. V N N. hI p. p James lS S South J. J H. H I 4 J. J Stark R. R D. D S S Salt Ral Enoch S 5 Sail Sait Rai William C G. s J J. J JJ J. J S Winters Samuel a Watts D. D J. J i 5 3 Weight P. P II t I elzel W. W I. I A. A 4 M. M i v S White While J J. J H H. I. I 0 4 HArnold H 4 nAS S I S Arnold W W. 0 A. A S Bowles George Urn Braby by A. A A E B S V V v Braby Ed El S 1 r S. S I Ivor 1 S 0 SS S n Burt Burl D. D M 31 f f c.- fv 11 v t 1 I Bull I I i I Campbell Campbel Serge Sorge 1 n Ivor f- f f J Vie Vic VIe J S. S S f A U n. n alter Chapman Chalman Har Harry Cr Crawford J A. A i t Dougall Dougal Hugh V W Dorius D Ra Ray J J S SS Ensign i sl I. I il II 1 S. S 1 S Elis Ellis 4 A. A A A. A i t r t V i 5 5 l Fuller Fred J 5 ller Fairbanks Lynn tt 4 lorr rol Jost fit ti H Harris C. C l. l O. O J en en s n S. S S W. W S James Harry S Kent Charles 5 Kent S JIn Kingdon 1101 John r t h V- V f. f S k A A. A J. J T 1 John S lon AlvIn j I f Kent Basil OJ Lamoreaux W. W IV a. a X II ft I Lyon Lon John Johm M L- L t. t J Allan J S rf fe I McEwan James Maxwell J. J R. R 4 1 S. S S Ness Raynor Raynor W Neilson James Janies i 7 fl I 4 5 5 Then 5 Ol Peter Peabody A J II I. I vt S Phillips Sid Sl R. R r S' S I f. f v Pratt Prat Noel v t V t S S 1 t s 's J Petterson Peterson Melvin Melvins S S S S Poulton PouHon Arnold 4 f Poulton Ralph 4 S Ill by J. J R. R f o d r I v y K I Ross Hogs toss G. G R. R I f i Savage V. V L. L S SS S San Sanford ford Fred Prel T. T 1 S Simpson Norman v I V 0 r T c. 1 j J I Smith David sj i j t f S 5 5 r. r Shipley larr Harry Stevens P. P C. C J. J I. I s Wallace allace alee Walter aIer al er s t t Winters John Jfhn S Wilkins Irving S Carl CuI Walkley J J. J B. B Young S Graham who hf haT charge of oC the tail I Is receiving orders for tIckets ets Those who whoso whose nam names S are ore received before tho tho of February get ge a special rate rato |