Show l COPPER LOPPER RANCH MINE TAKEN BY SYNDICATE Colorado and Utah Men Ment Will Wi t L Develop Old Beaver Property I TO MAKE MAIE ANOTHER CAC CACTUS US 1 f i Such Is Ii lie die Intuition of I I tie B t I I Mining Men n After Thorough i 4 I E Examination r l I r 4 The Copper Ranch property near hear d. which Includes tho tim old olti ole Jewell Jewel I- I mine has been taken over b by a syndicate syndi syndi- Ct I cato cate comprising ins E. E II I. I Wilson VIlson lson of ot this cl city R H. R N. N of Denver and John I P. P Compton of or Colorado Colordo Springs s It I Is J. taken on a bond and amI lease running 1 IS S I r months and the tho consideration Is 75 It I Is the tho Intention to later Inter on vr l make the property the bah bass basis of or an In- In but for or the tho ores ores- ent the purchasers will VIII wi orl work It on their own account A force of ot ten or tel twelve e miners will vIII wi be put on at nt once and development will vIiI wi be pushed as 31 rapidly as possible The The Copper I Ranch Hanch comprises 17 j- j lode claims an and the ground covers ers co fori for COl COla fora i a distance o of nearly two miles mies tho the known Jno-ii mineral belt bel of that region The Tho lr property lies In between the O. O K and er Dea Beaver on the west and the Ol Old hickL Hickory Hick HIek- L or ory and laje Majestic te on the tho east cast cast As Is well known these mines have Immense bodies of oC copper oro ore blocked cd out and It Is a generally accepted fact that all allare al are on 01 the same mineral zone as ns the tho Cactus The Thc Ol Old Hickory oro ore body as opened on the third level f is OO feet between walls wals of or unknown unknown unknown un un- un- un known depth On the Jewell claim caim of the thc Copper lt Ranch Hanch group Is an Incline shaft shaf which followed the dip of oC the vein a n t. t of feet at which point the vein 4 became vertical The Thc shaft shaf has been sunk 43 feet teet farther vertical all al In solid sold ore the thc copper ore characteristic tic of or the district with from wih 3 to 5 gold values and four foU to six ounces In silver siver It I Is the thc Intention to continue the shaft downward and develop elop the oro bodies bocles by drifting Th The ore ores ore's Is In demand at the smelters on account of or tOt of or iron which it contains which Is from flom five to 25 per cent Opened In Old Oh Un s. s t Thc Jewell ol JO mine was Wl opened In the d dys y when smelting charges were wel ce three times what thc they now arc are I f. f ii the the- the freight rate was was also three threes s copper coppel was worth about one half one one-haI Its Us present price While it i its being a paying proposition at that time was problematical there Is no doubt on this score now Its Is new own- own IS I'S have cr c every confidence that tho they will 1 make It I one of the great mines ofa of ofa ofa a a district which Is becoming famous for or great mines There Is already on the dump of the Jewell Jewel about tons of or good shipping shippinG ore which was taken out In sinking Mr h one of or the purchasers represents large copper Interests In th East and he hc Is regarded as an expert ex cx- pert both in judging and nUll In the management management man man- of copper properties Before closing oln the deal for Cor or the Copper Ranch Hanch he ho ma made o a thorough examination of I not only that but of property properly ever every prominent mine on o-n that mineral minerai belt hel from the Cactus and Horn Silver SI or to o th Majestic and Old Hickory Ills His Ils decision de do- le- le speaks well for the future of or the this district In IlL which great greatly Increased activity activity ac ac- t I Is assured |