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Show THE INTER-MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, SUNDAY, 3, 1907. 9 FIFTY WITNESSES ACARDNER DAILY STPRE NEWS "8 [BE WELL DRESSED ON LITTLE MONEY Now FEBRUARY {GARDNER DAILY STORENEWS= ff WILL DEFEND THAW Three for the One Last Fearless Slaughter of Prices! Weeks A Fearless Move to Clean Up York, trial killing of Gardner has decreed that all marked-down Winter Suits and Overcoats remaining from the Reduced Sale must go. The coming of Spring must see every one of them out of the house to make room for the new season's goods that are even now arriving. This is the greatest ; Ss ‘ | SODESTEREVIOLS WORST Meltons, Etc., including about Five Hun- REDUCING ercoats ; All PRI ere . ; : cal sy ; BY Es a aca aie «Ak FFs erat oe ae) OF ay pment APR --- Slo, "4 Lary Ee S ner a es $18, = $20, . . a SH . call depends the trial." / (LGU ES : a AN A What to = upon more establish and h will > ; This Lot ; is the time when we of all odd lots and lines We DO : impression. NOT must left clear from our the INCLUDE : season's ALL SUITS Doctors a olsSealge 13.00 Pani, $3.50 Pants, $4.00 Pants, at the following Ne 2) a cus OW aes OP ne 9 Oe bl here ge on stylish, high-grad $4.50 Overcoats go nos £5.00 Overcoats go no 2.50 ae $7:50° 3 210.00 it + 00 pearance a \ ke Overcoat ir ro now Overcoats go t ‘ OU) 5.75 now of best ) chap do Bias 7.00 Several dozen Soft Shirts yet remain to be closed out. Pants 7 . do1D 7,00 e ‘ ee se Young hesitate Overcoats 2.50 0 tle Ja dependant the lotted to and Ma- their ap- eee on a are. paid day for every day sessions. Each they atday that the prosecution They will ‘88 Fed ; "e B2 ; Waits For Relatives. Thaw arose early this morning and ifter a few turns aroun ie corridor, ead every word about the trial in the morning I Ay After spending a th en eu ie Men's jurors though Suits. CB will be dropped is the only E prices These Bae Biti-ad- ecg hould y A oe, attracty to rove tt are Lr 4.50 $6.00 at SUITS 4r 45, 5.75 se $7.60 TMT ee SUITS atime go pie now os a 2 ee noy very every 3.75 ae oe sees ois aly ov realizes he t that it is perhaps eet nome today at Jurors the weather, not were but planned akeke ;a stroll, to remain quietly in their rooms kuntils | tomorrow afternoon and then take a wrriage ‘ride through the park for : Gr Ai They ar MacDonald cloud in the prisoner's sky. HeHe isi very the trial begin al once, and chafes at to say We are going to offer ICLUBWOMEN CALLED | THIEVES BY NOVELIST ae bondon,3an = pene omen are denounced as thieveseer by oe 41 writer in the society , paper. ‘ The Bcc tla daclawes (hates canis 4,50 Be15 $12.00 SUITS go now at . a them at this great reduction until all are sold. All are fancy Oxfords of pleasing patterns, with separate cuffs; splendid value at $1.50; choice 4 them NOW a a : mins gt ae 5 ROW eey 5S ca! cae boa oap borin cat ohgmtbecbatledbiaa' @UeaELs ge] we to wie t z 7 , Tovthe: ) least" ical ally 7 o €conomice ‘lined . hould S$ this 25 cent Necktle sale = prove a magnet that Is io idiehwiall esis . Pov i irresistible You leans come in and oelearn , with 4 i ve e s r , i. - of own club "‘mine and and other Ek : a ara mlavacly: le ued The writer gives several instances udacious thefts at women's clubs. F ) her furs of In A REAL NECKTIE SALE? | pions case spe ter, malted, out of the a ly 1¢ ere : \ of principle rubbers, these are always hon-members-comget insid the club doors 11.00 oe wes the of article are common in ladies' clubs, according to the writer of this 1 sensational exposure Although thieve occasionally caught and a ioihads . aidalalalee 2 0 oe oitarkh members Yhefts 9.00 5 the respect thine.' aeteanl iat shi Conc punishment Nothing in the way of portable property belonging to other members is that are now ffering the he ! uspender bargain at the pric vel offered that 15 vet Ve rf atund ‘ ne ch ‘ 43 aying for all; ourThis sale mnucl a lot values are good ones 118 fi issortmer! of fancy er ‘ e . of solidly a pattern of strong "@ :4 ag rerul: 60 cent emery see ld for more value, and™.o : sur sale 25c ¢ trust a gen : are ans $15.00 SUITS go now Att } (i SAVING HERE! not stylish OVERCOATS ie ‘ We ost t Molineux many employed, and In the Thaw in: court. \ ‘They. 3 tend the "7 : eee ROA $6.00. ON ERCOATS, $7.50 pi no specu- probably be in attendance for three Buying for Next Fall. Away for the Summer. 3.50 |. $4.59 overcoats ai $4.00 OVBRCOATS, | | big lk little Small. considerable Bhi seen thom withia the orelesate on weight pattern goods. gag | A GREAT CLEAN-UP SHIRT BARGAIN | "°°". 2.00 of A pa Gar- it now $10.00 Pants, now saving the . : $7.50 great at, Mr. cara let Se eT compensation Departments. Many Children's Overcoats. redut County been Flint, Oa cba the \ ot intends hinted until ditional court Gays, so, at a rough ese timate they will receive $2,500 from the county, or $7,500 In all in Found Boys' and Youths' Overcoats to has Thaw p ANTS been ese rate the Aiea prosecution. tomer ideo up with in | MEN'S prosecution not known to convict Albert In bo he trials of medical experts were experts are luxuries, stock ; We have reserved blues and blacks and a few of the lighter These Great Bargain Values Should Induce Such Savings Make Them Full Worth Laying the be MAKING SPARKS Fir this Sale and do not wish any one to get such an Be on the k, guesses have been made, In order to sett the matter for good and alt figures have ee obtal in the district attorney's office that show the Se : to the developments of has not Cost selling. Are hint these van makes his short address. It Is known that many witnesses are under subpoena for use in rebuttal in case the character of Stanford White ts attacked, There e Reductions give any do along brief, Next'will come the peoples' witnesses, who will tell how Stanfore White was slain. These will spelede sue piwgenen of the Madison Square ragedy. $22.00, You choice of the Great eae esate to change it. trial to proto go ahead people willbe delivered by: Aseetant - e Entire es begin proceedings the the opening address for When Monday THE iy $25, $30 and $39. change Monday "Pi Seinen The ents Ae ROWN. ~ STER aeae / taking to on ease will" probably "consuine: ‘three STOCK. MAKING S ORO 4 ar CE BU W three the jury take, I'am not at liberty to say. We in SPARKS FLY QUTOF OUR dred Suits and Three HunV OUR STILL ARE WE reat the have not and shall not of anything we mean to nes RESOLVED espe ee care HAMMERING AWAY AT Cashmeres, the - call and. in attempt In for will witnesses consumed Any of andvediete An Elegant Line of Pattern 0) be make-up sah we me Sinede enn pose any further effort We are anxious for the aoe a will oe ready on Slonday morning } dred fifty will defense Thaw, White, RUTROMES ee ke mall Bek bodly. for SU Hnee te ital eanedine the inimed- . i K. hee tie romecution apunu: ith dae: ha aden i natea i is your last and greatest chance to buy at sacrifice prices. ~ Harry testimony. the of opportunities for the wide-awake, the economical, the industrious-a chance to secure high-grade, stylish garments at a_ fraction of their real worth. The best values will be secured early, and to those who desire the greatest bargains we urge an early attendance. This .- 2.-The Stanford than weeks 7 Record. Feb. of of more \ New # the ° Con- alee New 5 Be -_-- Make ® Will sumed Testimony. in Taking of 2 own eves . Neckwear oe » cents ome the Wwe big value s are clk At good this of he price cloak, the shivering again owner of and never which went home saw the property Cis "My 4 fur stole says another wo' ‘ . }man, "was taken in mistake' the other while I was writing a let- day p . ter Some time one afterward itI acauin on some else, andI found when : uwked her for what I might call ‘our fur, she gave it back an ; as ot a pair of fur-lined rubhe case bers being stolen from the cloakroom of "one of the largest women's clubs one devoted, it is supposed, to intellectual women can only refer a club in Pieadilly, the rendezvous all the prominent brainy women ‘London to of in ® 2 ShO]VSVOADLSGADCA DEEL BE AOABAa Re << |