Show LEGAL NOTICES OP OF STOCKHOLDERS STOCKHOLDERS' IG PL NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS STOCKHOLDERS' meeting of or the Congor Gold and Copper Mining and und Milling Company No Notice j la Is hereby given II cn to the tho stockholders of at tho time Congor Gold an and Copper Mining and anc Milling company that thaL Whereas heren Time Tho for Cor holding tho the regular annual meeting of or ers of or said Raid corporation has hos passed and no meeting was he held II on said date and It Is desirous that a meeting be bo held for tho time election electon of at such officers hel and for Cor tho the transaction of or other business a n fp special lal meeting of or the ot of said salL corpora corporation Lon will wil be held at nt the 1 office of or said sall corporation C Auerbach AUerbach Auerbach Auer- Auer bach building No lC South Main street Salt Lake City Utah on Saturday Sat Sat- the time la day of ot February St- St 1507 1907 at the hour of at two o'clock p. p m. m of at said da day for tor tho time m or purpose of or electing a presIdent pres pres- ident Iden t vice Ice president t secretary 0 and treasurer and five f e directors or trustees trustees trus trus- tees of said sall corporation and for tor tho the following purposes to wit Considering and voting upon the tho question Queston of at amending tiu tho articles artcle of ot Incorporation of or said corporation In Iii the he following particulars Amending article ono by changing the name namo of at tho ho corporation from that of Congor Gold and Copper Mining and Milling company to CON BINGHAM ICO GOR COPPER CO COMPANY Amending article six thereby lag ing InE tho ho amount of ot capital stock sLack of or said sall corporation from two hundred thousand thousand thou thou- sand dollars o to ono one million dollars divided Into 10 dl one rail mil lion lon shares of the tho denomination milon mi- mi tion ton and par value of at one erie dollar lolar each said article as amended to read rend as fol Col- oh- oh lows The amount of capital stock of at said corporation shall be bo one ono million CIO dollars divided Into one on rail mil lion lon t shares of at the time milon mi- mi tion ton and amid ald par value of one dollar dolar each cacti Amending article twelve by changing chancing the lie date of or the time annual meetings of ot the time stockholders of at said corporation from tram the third Monday In Aug August st each ench year ear to the lie second Monday In January each cach year and by further providing In said article artcle that haL no notice need be bo given gl cn of time the annual stockholders' stockholders meetings and that twenty ono 21 2 days days' notice be hA given ghen of ot special stockholders stockholders' meetings Amending Amending- mending article fourteen of or tho the articles ar nr- tides of Incorporation o of said corporation corporation corpora corpora- tion by adding after the words State of or Utah In imm said article artcle also tho the fol tol- oh- oh lowing named munel mining claims wIt to TIm The Tho lone Jone Alice Alco Ann nn lIce Dee No I 1 Dee Bee No 2 2 American Amerian Do Boy Perquisite an undivided one half Interest In imm the time Alle Allie Al lie llo le N N. an nn undivided one half Interest In In tho the Copperton an undivided ono ono- half Interest In part of at the tho Illinois patented lode mining claims also the tho Congor No 2 not patented in full tun payment pay pay- merit ment of or tho time capital stock of or this corpora corporation corporation cor cor- pora ton to wit wl One Ono million 00 shares of or time the denomination and par value of or ono one dollar dolar ULO each Further amending the time articles of or In Incorporation incorporation In- In corporation of this corporation by re repealing re- re pealing and amid striking out all al of or articles fifteen 15 sixteen 16 6 seventeen 17 n eighteen 18 8 nineteen 19 9 twenty 20 twenty ono 21 21 and two twenty-two 22 of at tho the articles of or Incorporation of or said company and amid substituting In hi l u thereof articles as ns follows Article XV t Tho The stock of this corporation corporation shall be ii non o mm Article XVI Two hundred thousand 20 shares of oC the lie capital stock of or this corporation corporation corpora corpora- tion Lon as amended shall bo be e and the same Is hereby contributed to said corporation corporation corpora corpora- tion ton as aR and anc for a worl working ng capital and to bo ho known as treasury stock which said treasury stock shall be bo disposed of or from time to tm by tho time board boord of ot directors of or said corporation at nt such uch price or prices a as may mY be fixed by said board of or directors ARTICLE XVI I Eight ISh t hundred thousand shares of at tho capital stock of or said sid corporation as amended shall bo be divided ana and distributed muted uta among the timo stockholders of or this corporation In u. u u ratio rato of or four tour shares to and Anil nd for or each ono one share hare now no hold hed by such stockholder r. r and th the timo board board of at di directors directors dl- dl rectors shall cause new certificates ot of stock of oC tho time corporation to bo issued and to ro bo be delivered c to each ench and every stockholder In the number arid and amount of ot four tour shares of oC stock of at said corporation corporation corpora corpora- tion Lon as arm IS amended for Cor each share sharo of ot stock now hold held by said stockholder anti and In lieu llou thereof provided that before be be- foro fore such now certificate Is delivered to toa toa 0 a n stockholder the time original certificate cate ot at certificates Issued to lo or standIng standing stand stand- stanl- stanl Ing Ins In tho tIme name namo of or such stockholder must be delivered to the secretary of oC the lie company and bo cancelled or In Incase Incase Incase case any such original certificate or certificates can enn not be delivered to the tho secretary then time tho board of or directors mn may prescribe the time conditions upon which said now certificate shall be bo Is Is is- suel sued and and delivered And for Cor the tho lie further purpose of or amending amending amend amend- ing the lie laws by-laws oC or said sall corporation and for Cor the tho transaction of ot such other business bust busi ness flOSs as ns may be brought before said nm meeting cc t i n m Dated this 1st day of or January 1907 19 R. R E. E McCONAUGHY Secretary I Booth and Leo Lee Attorneys |