Show r I ROOSEVELT AND DIFFER ib f All the country I is int Interested rested in tho the passage e at arms f. f r i witnessed a a. few nights ago before Iho tho Gridiron club in j Washington when President Roosevelt and Senator f Foraker measured verbal swords The Ohio hi man Is sala bU bUto t. t to havo expressed the tho opinion n that the tho administration I I course was having the tho effect of or unsettling conditions that 1 It was vas discouraging capital that it was encouraging apostles of discontent an and that the effect of it all must i k e i i be to diminish prosperity and and start the nation on a 1 return to tho experimental stage stae-o of legislation when whon rr politicians without training would be bo able to win a a. y preponderance of power in the councils of the nation J And tho the President is quoted quote as replying g that he had f fJ tL u done dono ono not nOr moro afore than was necessary to mal make mako o ineffective t tr tho the campaign n of oC tho the disturbers that he could see a coming and had sought to render it harmless FYk 6 much In the fashion of or tho the prairie farmer who starts t a D. back bac fire in order to prevent damage e and destruction b by the tho greater fire that every ono one can see is sweeping I toward him And these Impressive words are accredited ri to him I r If Ie you jou OU gentlemen are arc not willing Milling to accept the action of or the Iho conservative o class which Is ready to afford pro pro- pro pro- protection lection tCHon to tho the rich and poor I will say sar to you jou OU now i M that when you have havo dL disposed of oC us b by your machinations machina t. t dons Botts you OU will find yourselves ourselves face to face faco with a D. people which believes It has ha been deprived of oC Ha Us rights and a n amob amob I t. mob which d dries does not have o tho the least respect for riches You Yon can take your our choice noo Roosevelt to Morgan and rr Rogers t f These oppose opposed positions aro are worthy of ot attention because be- be because be be- cause both are uttered by men of keen observation by r I i 1 men of perfect honesty and by men who are not exceeded exceeded ex ex- In love lovo of or country by any anyone one y No observing reader can have havo failed to note noto the growing power of or the Iho discontented In Chicago o It has been impossible to convict Shea although probably a million persons have havo a personal knowledge e that he was r guilty gumy of or all charged chare d In tho the indictment After months months months' of labor and after the tho expenditure of oC seventy thousand r l i dollars tho the state has ended ed the case with a a. disagreeing Jury That means the existence of a public sentiment which however expressed c may bo be relied on to give Ive safe c conduct to men meri and organizations who do o not respect the I laws of tho the land who claim that tho the rich aro unworthy an and that there thero Is no established institution sacred from fron the assaults of ot the mob It is not In Chicago Jo alone While the tho condition ma may be bo more moro impressive thero there right now than In other cities the tho growth and Influence of or th the tho turbulent class can not safely be ignored Ignore by tho the wise men of or the tho nation Up to that point Pr President and senator are at one It is Js tho the belief belleC of tho the rugged ruggell soldier statesman that tha the difficulty should bo be handled with sterner methods method than have havo been employed In the past Ho He I is not Inclined In Inclined Inclined In- In to treat with belligerents An And he holds that tha the man who Invokes force to defy law must be me met with discouraging firmness no matter whether he calls call himself a 11 rebel or a a. walking delegate That is the direct method If Ir the tho nation is 13 strong enough enough and h and It Is disturbances Is-disturbances such as ns that led by Shea in Chicago when a state of or war existed In the heart o otho or of orthe the tho cH city for months month could bo ho crushed utterly Possibly the tho tho Presidents President's road to the same samo result resul of or peace an and uninterrupted commerce would would lea lead to the same samo terminal But ho would concede some basis o or of reasonable argument on tho the part of ot tho the discontented and would woul take awa away the serious Incentives of the their activity by removing the moro more Important causes of or their protest Ho lie would woul take from tho the rich and the great grea some of oC tho power which It is claimed they have havo abused an and do o it before the uncontrolled rush of or Impulsive men mci could reach them That is all aU As these two men see t the le future there is a suggestion in that phase of or tho the tho French revolution when the people went wont out to Versailles Carle thinks concessions could have been made on that Sunday Sun ay afternoon afternoon after arter- noon an and that reforms could have havo been ted Inaugurated which would woul have mado the Reign of or Terror TerrOl Impossible because It would have hove disarmed the people who Instituted that devastating period I There Thero were wele but two ways of or dealing with tho the question question question ques ques- tion That was one Napoleon adopted the thu other other swept the tho streets with grapeshot We Ye do o not believe the choice chalco will wm ever be reduced to that In America But Dut it is time for thinking men and women of or tho the nation to realize a serious condition confronts them Above all things thinS's the tho people must bo be united The Tho nation must live JIve The Tho law must be observed observe Both Doth manhood and the rights of or property must bo be conserved And lesser questions that divert the strength th of or the country must be laid aside aside It Is a time for serious people to think seriously when two of or the greatest men In tho the nation nallon approach a threatening threat threat- ening condition from varying angles angle yet ct each recoe-n recoe recognizes zes ho tho peril and and both want tho thu problem solved |