Show DESERTED AND DESTITUTE Mrs Ir Starr Applies for fm Aid Aiti Ail to In COUI County Ioner lel Afler searching for tel days lays Mr flir tir lieu her husband James I. I I Starr whom ho shO oard l l from here Mrs Mis Mar Mary Stair Starr applied for Cor assistance o from the tue commissioners com corn missioners rs Saturday afternoon to procure pro CUI cure cUle 4 forli food anti and a to tu sleep for tut m hl herself and I year two tWO I son Mrs Starr Starl followed folo etl her hiem husband from Butte Bule her and Hlll will wi be ie given back to lo time the mining camp where she hl has parents who will her hm wi support Stair Starr tal married his wire wife In Butte Butle Bute three yr-ars yr a ago o. o Six months ago he lie distilled lieu her and left lef her lien penniless Site She returned to lo her hll fathers father's home where when site she was wa cared for Cor A month after anel he l loft left t Mrs Starr received l e a aletter letter leter from flom him lie He was working In iii Suit Salt alt Lake and auth ali asked ell lice her to come hero and that Ii he le e would support her hel a and all th the child She chilI Inn transportation Lion tion lon antI and ld 1 came callO here For three p months lucy lived lucre here but buit a short shortt t time Inui her husband decided lo to thIl ngo go lo tum Hullo Butte Bult a 1 week weck after aHel they arrived Start Starr disappeared d again and anil left lo to ali leC lien her u get gel along lh lie best sL she sime lw could Learning that he wis a again ln In Salt alt Lake slit she thc returned tare In Iii vain she looked for him anI and says nays thai html he lie left this city fl Ila tim day or tue I two tWI before SlIP she shE lee ar or- rived When heim hel she he came caine here e she he had hall 3 and has haH l boon n in iii destitute circumstances circum circum- stances for rOI hue tho past two days She Sho decided to return to lo Untie providing she hie he could coull transportation and CHII will wi not nol attempt to follow her husband bus hus band an any further I |