Show COUNCIL CURIOUS ABOUT FINANCES Treasurer Swenson Requested to Explain His Account Keeping INFORMATION IS DEMANDED Contractor Suh-Contractor ent Claim for for fur I r and Ma Mn- Ia l J l i. i Tho Fun city treasurers treasurer's office was brought Into tho thu limelight for 01 Investigation Investigation gation gatlon last night at tho the city council meeting wh when n Coun Councilman Arthur F F. Barnes Harnes introduced u ti resolution which was adopted requiring H A Alit Iff city ell tn treasurer ura to submit a c detailed statement of the tho Inc method tho employed employed em em- In keeping accounts on street ct ind anil sidewalk wall paving and sewer r ex- ex x 5 l n He Ie Is ordered to show wh when n Interest t begins to run rumi on all deferred payments of ot street and aud sidewalk pavIng payIng pay pay- Ing ng and sewer extensions U Ho He Is also required iL to show the forms of scrip used USel by hy his office This Information Is to be bp supplied the tho city c council at once It Is stated that the accounts of oC tin time treasurers treasurer's office of of- flee fice In street and amid sidewalk paving and anllO O I extensions are arp muddled up and that the tho deferred payment on nn several tal old contracts ai are delinquent rime Tho city council has been besieged with protests protests pro pro- t tests t from coin property U nc owners rs where Improvements Im Im- ts havn Il IW been ord ordered ei mind and the tho work ha has not bt been cn done dom In many Instances l scrip bearing baaing Interest was isas Issued from rein t the tho h t treasurers treasurer's rR 1 1110 IR office months a ago f on property where the time proposed nl ha have nut not yet Ct lied been It Is the purpose of tho rl resolution to e establish a n uniform system I If IIO pos ios- sible In iii In chocking checking up on the tho scrip Is Issued issued is- is sued uld from rom the treasurers treasurer's o office Ct anti and ando also o to hn have havo some definite plan adopted adopt adopt- ed et In checking up 11 deferred payments t KO so that the accounts can cami bo bl kept In somo som lint kind o of hap hupe fh Time The was UM passed tI v without I t hou t a any imy ii dl Ion whatever Claims Pu Pay for labor D D. B. B sub under pub under Showell Belcher presented a claim to the council last Jast night for 0 S for or labor labur and material furnished b 1 by him himIn himin In n hl contract on th time tho Big Cottonwood conduit which he declares declare Is s due him hini Brinton has already alread mt filed tI suit against t P. P J J. J Moran oran and anti Showed Showell Belcher and anci ha has intimated that Unless unless un un- less les the oily tak takes j steps to secure the time mone money due him by holding hoMing it out of tho tiit contract given to P. P J J. J Jomn Moran that tho the city will nl also n be bc made o thu th defendant defendant defendant defend defend- ant In a similar milt nuit Brinton alleges that after the tho contract was lot let changes chanes madu in Iii the plans plan The additional work caused by the change cost him more t Jhan an he lie lint hal originally or or- figured on omm ed lineal feet o of the tho conduit Om-ac Om lt n mailo In the plans It took tool more mOIo loads of gravel gra which cost th the extra blasting cost him and also ulso more excavating which amounted to about The Tho communication com corn vas a referred to the committee com corn on claims Showell Belcher contractors on tho street t paVIng on East BAst Second South under Patrick J. J Moran will furnish the tho city with gravel at 25 c cents per load d. Councilman Carter r championed their t W anc a resolution resolution tion was pa passed by the council putting putting putting put put- put put- ting the matter Into th the tho hands of the street department The Tho contractors will haul the gravel gra from herc the they are aro excavating eu East Second South to an any part of the cU cUre city I An re Lights to be he The Tho committee on Improvements submitted a report to th the council fo for th hd Installing of or seven v n arc nrc lights to be bo placed In the following places Foster avenue Wellington avenue a Tw Twelfth Irth East and B n street Fifth Firth East BaRt arid arill Vermont avenue Con street and Olive str street et Second South and anti Gr Greater av avenueS avenue nue and on Fir First t street between on State street and A AI I street I John Shaw Scott presented a claim I Ito to tim tho council for foL for Injuries in injuries In- In juries rec received e 1 at Second South and Main streets where the stone tone work was WM as taken out and replaced placed with as- as It Is stated In the communication communication communication cation that the street was left In a n dangerous condition anti and that S R Scott ott fell Cell eu while cros crossing the str street and dl dislocated dis US- located his shoulder houlder The Thu council ordered or or- tiered dered that Patrick Patricic J. J Moran be notified noti noU- nell fled as he was wan the contractor anti and that there thero was a 0 I provision pro lon In his contract con oon- tract which states that ho lie Is personally personally personally person person- ally responsible for fOI all damages caused caus caus- ed through carelessness and negligence gence Counter Xul Nuisance nce Th The question of allowing lunch counters t to h run facing on the prIncipal principal principal prin prIn- cipal streets of tho the city city- came up again last night Councilmen and Mulvey took the tho floor noor and declared that they were ere a nul nuisance and ought to be abated The Tho matter n-matter was referred to the license committee and It Il Is probable It will make a n report recommending mending that licenses be bo revoked I William Edwards formerly deputy deput sheriff under Sheriff C. C Frunk Frank Emery was vas appointed special police officer at atthe atthe the tho Wasatch Amusement compan company's skating rink mink at the tho Agricultural Park Parl hall hail Ills appointment was approved ed by Chief of Police George A. A Sheets and anti Mayor Inor Ezra Thompson before It H itis WJ was is IH presented to the council |