Show I. I CATTLE MARKETS i ChenA Chicago Chiago Oct 23 29 Cattle I estimated for tomorrow U market lOuiSe hl higher prime beeves c poor pool to medium J t t stockers and anc fee feeders rs 23 Jr cows cow and t Q canners canlers ff Westerns Texans rJ TH in r. r f ff f Hogs Hog Receipts Hogs Receipts 0 estimated for foi rOl rf 2 tomorrow 19 market strong and und u a r higher hiher l light hl Oj JG 5 rough nought 7 mixed heavy f. f o. o GM cw pl pigs s. s Jo IO Sheep Receipts 3 estimated for fUI tomorrow J market steady y and 15 higher native sheep 9 West West- ern cm sheep native lam lambs i. i Western Wesler 21 lambs rf t fA fAr f. f r I Cl City Kansas CI City Oct Receipts V 1000 10 head including 1000 uJ h market ste steady y to strung strong native lul e steers GO Southern ou rn steelS steers Southern cows 2 native cows cow g arid and heifer helfer stockers and ald 07 r unc feeders bulls 1 Jilt W calves I S Western tS steers W. W 2 Western Westell Cs te Ill I'll cows 35 ui Hogs Jog Receipts 60 ho head marl market t tI I strong bulk bule o of sales 1 heavy h- h G. G fG 35 puckers 33 pi pigs mind mId f. f I lights 32 r F Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts 60 heat head 2 V 5 steady ea muttons lambs I 73 rm o wethel's Sl j fed t s H il |